• 人类活动导致野生动物数量锐减

    20-11-17 根据动物保护组织世界自然基金会(WWF)发表的一份重要报告,全球野生动物数量在不到50年的时间里减少了三分之二以上。报告称,这种 灾难性的下降趋势 没有减缓的迹象,并警告说,大自然正以前所未有的速度遭到人类的破坏。 The report looked at thousands of differe...

  • women's parking spaces 女性停车位

    14-08-14 Women's parking spaces are specially designated and identified parking spaces in parking garages and parking lots to be used by women. They are usually near exits to increase the safety of women, to facilitate the act of parking, or to facilitate wa...

  • 中国某商场推出女士专用停车位

    14-07-25 The parking spaces outside a Chinese shopping mall are distinctive: marked out in pink, signposted Respectfully reserved for women, and around 30 centimetres wider than normal. 中国一商场前出现与众不同的粉红色停车位,并标有女士尊享四个大字,比一般的...

  • 办公楼的能源浪费需引起重视

    13-12-09 Office buildings have an enormous carbon footprint, but often energy is being wasted maintaining empty rooms and spaces at a comfortable temperature. Research to be published in the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Sys...
