• 基因多样性能减缓病毒的传播

    14-11-19 When a viral infection spread through five genetically identical mice in a row, the virus replicated faster and became more virulent or severe. But when the infection spread one-by-one through five genetically diverse mice, the virus had trouble ada...

  • 有关渡渡鸟的最新见解

    14-11-10 The dodo is among the most famous extinct creatures, and a poster child for human-caused extinction events. Despite its notoriety, and the fact that the species was alive during recorded human history, little is actually known about how this animal...

  • 昆虫进化史的划时代研究

    14-11-10 An international team of more than 100 researchers--including Dr. Michelle Trautwein of the California Academy of Sciences--has published the first modern roadmap of insect evolution. Understanding how insects are related uncovers their true ecologi...

  • 一种新发现的狼蛛被命名为约翰·列侬

    14-10-23 A newly described tarantula species from Western Brazilian Amazonia was named Bumba lennoni in honor of John Lennon, a founder member of the legendary band the Beatles. The new species is part of the tarantula family Theraphosidae which comprises th...

  • 极端寄生虫的进化史

    14-10-15 Extreme adaptations of species often cause such significant changes that their evolutionary history is difficult to reconstruct. Zoologists at the University of Basel in Switzerland have now discovered a new parasite species that represents the miss...

  • 英国水域面临南欧物种入侵

    14-10-14 Five of the most high-risk freshwater invaders from the Ponto-Caspian region around Turkey and Ukraine are now in Britain -- including the quagga mussel, confirmed just two weeks ago on 1 October in the Wraysbury River near Heathrow airport. Researc...

  • 气候变化对鱼群的影响

    14-10-13 Love is more thickr than forget More thinner than recaall More seldom than a Wave is Wet More frequent than to fail It is most mad and moonly And Iess it shall unbe Than all the sea Which only Is deeper than the sea Love is less always than to win L...

  • 大头蚁面对激烈竞争者时会长得更大

    14-10-05 The big-headed ant (Pheidole megacephala) is considered one of the world's worst invasive ant species. As the name implies, its colonies include soldier ants with disproportionately large heads. Their giant, muscle-bound noggins power their biting p...

  • 巴拿马发现新品种毒箭蛙

    14-09-28 A bright orange poison dart frog with a unique call was discovered in Donoso, Panama, and described by researchers from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Universidad Autnoma de Chiriqu in Panama, and the Universidad de los Andes in...

  • 自然选择促使岸禽类鸟较早迁徙

    14-09-26 All bird migrations are fraught with danger -- from the risk of not finding enough food, to facing stormy weather, and most importantly -- trying not to be eaten along the way. Raptors such as peregrine falcons are the main predators of migratory bi...