• 化石可恢复遗失的生物多样性

    14-09-24 Many native species have vanished from tropical islands because of human impact, but University of Florida scientists have discovered how fossils can be used to restore lost biodiversity. The key lies in organic materials found in fossil bones, whic...

  • 黑猩猩的暴力行为源于遗传

    14-09-20 Of all of the world's species, humans and chimpanzees are some of the only to engage in coordinated attacks on other members of their same species. Jane Goodall was among the first to introduce the occurrence of lethal inter-community killings and s...

  • 埃及历史上曾有生态崩溃时期

    14-09-10 Depictions of animals in ancient Egyptian artifacts have helped scientists assemble a detailed record of the large mammals that lived in the Nile Valley over the past 6,000 years. A new analysis of this record shows that species extinctions, probabl...

  • 坦桑尼亚发现新品种巨蜥龙

    14-09-10 Ohio University paleontologists have identified a new species of titanosaurian, a member of the large-bodied sauropods that thrived during the final period of the dinosaur age, in Tanzania. Although many fossils of titanosaurians have been discovere...

  • 茶翅蝽的起源传播与可行的防治措施

    14-09-04 The brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) is an invasive, herbivorous insect species that was accidentally introduced to the United States from Asia. First discovered in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1996, it has since been found in at least 4...

  • 亚洲驼螽在美国家庭中很常见

    14-09-03 With their long, spiky legs and their propensity(倾向,习性) for eating anything, including each other, camel crickets are the stuff of nightmares. And now research from North Carolina State University finds that non-native camel cricket species h...

  • 气候变暖可能对入侵物种有意想不到的影响

    14-08-08 Rising temperatures may be seen as universally beneficial for non-native species expanding northward, but a Dartmouth College study suggests a warmer world may help some invaders but hurt others depending on how they and native enemies and competito...

  • 野生动物走廊有时会帮助入侵物种的扩散

    14-08-07 When the ants come marching in, having miles of linked habitats may not be such a good idea after all. In a classic example of the law of unintended consequences, new University of Florida research suggests that wildlife corridors strips of natural...

  • 正确地保存种子可拯救植物

    14-07-31 Exotic pests, shrinking ranges and a changing climate threaten some of the world's most rare and ecologically important plants, and so conservationists establish seed collections to save the seeds in banks or botanical gardens(植物园) in hopes of...

  • 中国蚊子琥珀出现在波罗的海附近

    14-07-31 The analysis of the roughly 3,000 pieces is still in its infant stage. But it is already evident that the results will be of major significance. Amazingly often, we are finding-in addition to Asian forms-the same insect species in Fushun amber that...