• 伐木意味着无脊椎动物失去对雨林的支配权

    15-04-14 Invertebrates perform essential functions for the smooth running of the ecosystems in tropical forests. For example, creatures such as termites and millipedes help dead leaves decompose and release their nutrients back into the soil, and carnivorous...

  • 加拉巴哥岛濒危陆龟嗜食入侵植物

    15-04-07 Most research on the role of introduced species of plants and animals stresses their negative ecological impacts. But are all introduced species bad actors? In one fascinating case the answer might be no. The iconic giant tortoises of the Galapagos...

  • 紫外线可使白色古代贝壳显色

    15-04-02 Nearly 30 ancient seashell species coloration patterns were revealed using ultraviolet (UV) light, according to a study published April 1, 2015 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Jonathan Hendricks from San Jose State University, CA. Unlike thei...

  • 洛杉矶发现30种新物种

    15-03-30 A new paper to be published in the journal Zootaxa (April 6, 2015) describes 30 new insect species in a single genus, Megaselia, of the fly family Phoridae. Describing 30 species in a single paper is rare, but what's especially striking is that all...

  • 甲虫的多样性是由于其低灭绝率

    15-03-20 Today's rich variety of beetles may be due to an historically low extinction rate rather than a high rate of new species emerging, according to a new study. These findings were revealed by combing through the fossil record. Much of the work to under...

  • 中国发现长颈恐龙化石

    15-01-29 University of Alberta paleontologists including PhD student Tetsuto Miyashita, former MSc student Lida Xing and professor Philip Currie have discovered a new species of a long-necked dinosaur from a skeleton found in China. The findings have been pu...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 8

    15-01-09 I, Sir, I become the mistress of a - Say the word, Therese, out with it: a scoundrel, eh? Oh, I admit it, but I have no other titles to offer you; that our sort does not marry you are doubtless well aware: marriage is one of the sacraments, Therese,...

  • 一种新斑蝥被命名为马可·波罗

    14-12-30 A team of Chinese and Italian scientists has joined efforts to provide a key to the understudied phaleratus group of blister beetles. During their research the scientists have also discovered a new species from the genus Hycleus, which they named af...

  • 太平洋东南部至少存在一种蓝鲸

    14-12-23 Here's a nice surprise: quantum physics is less complicated than we thought. An international team of researchers has proved that two peculiar features of the quantum world previously considered distinct are different manifestations of the same thin...

  • 巨狐猴灭绝由于种群规模小

    14-12-17 Ancient DNA extracted from the bones and teeth of giant lemurs that lived thousands of years ago in Madagascar may help explain why the giant lemurs went extinct. It also explains what factors make some surviving species more at risk today, says a s...