• 秘鲁安第斯山区发现一种新蟾蜍

    14-01-18 A new species of toad was discovered hiding in the leaf litter(落叶层) of the Peruvian Yungas. The word is used widely by the locals to describe ecoregion(生态区域) of montane(山地森林的) rainforests, and translates as warm valley in English....

  • 动物园的物种保护工作太过随意

    14-01-16 The world's zoos work hard and spend enormous resources on the conservation of endangered species, but the resources are not always optimally spent. One big problem is international legislation and the need of more zoos to work in regional or global...

  • 非洲虎鱼成功捕到飞行中的燕子

    14-01-14 African tigerfish have been filmed catching swallows in flight by scientists. 科学家拍摄到飞行中的燕子被非洲虎鱼咬下水。 The fish have impressively sharp teeth Some species of fish are known to feed on stationary(静止的) birds but experts say this...

  • 大型食肉动物数量减少引发全球环境问题

    14-01-13 In ecosystems around the world, the decline of large predators such as lions, dingoes, wolves, otters, and bears is changing the face of landscapes from the tropics to the Arctic -- but an analysis of 31 carnivore(食肉动物) species published today...

  • 同一寄生物种传染疾病的能力却不同

    14-01-13 A new study seeks to determine how one parasitic species can give rise to two drastically different outcomes in its host: The human body louse (Pediculus humanus) can transmit dangerous bacterial infections to humans, while the human head louse (als...

  • 海藻与珊瑚的化学战

    14-01-09 Competition may have a high cost for at least one species of tropical seaweed. Researchers examining the chemical warfare taking place on Fijian coral reefs have found that one species of seaweed increases its production of noxious(有害的) anti-co...

  • 史前某种鲨鱼在河流三角洲繁育后代

    14-01-08 Like salmon(大马哈鱼) in reverse, long-snouted Bandringa sharks migrated downstream from freshwater swamps(沼泽,湿地) to a tropical coastline to spawn 310 million years ago, leaving behind fossil evidence of one of the earliest known shark nurs...

  • 过度捕捞的滚雪球效应

    14-01-08 Florida State University researchers have spearheaded(带头,做先锋) a major review of fisheries research that examines the domino effect that occurs when too many fish are harvested from one habitat. The loss of a major species from an ecosystem c...

  • 2013年加州科学院发现91种新物种

    13-12-24 In 2013, researchers at the California Academy of Sciences discovered 91 new plant and animal species and two new genera, enriching our understanding of the complex web of life on Earth and strengthening our ability to make informed conservation dec...

  • 亚速尔群岛上发现欧洲最稀有的兰花

    13-12-11 Researchers studying speciation(物种形成) of butterfly orchids on the Azores have been startled to discover that the answer to a long-debated question Do the islands support one species or two species? is actually three species. Hochstetter's Butt...