• 本土植物与外来物种

    13-12-11 The home team holds the advantage over visitors -- at least in the plant world. However, a mere handful of genetic adaptations could even the playing field. In the current issue of the Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences, Michigan State...

  • 生物多样性的质量与数量同等重要

    13-12-09 For years, scientists have believed that preserving more species, no matter which ones, is a key component to enhancing how well an ecosystem performs. Not so fast, say scientists at Duke University and the University of Massachusetts at Boston. In...

  • 某些物种不会随时间而衰老

    13-12-09 In our youth we are strong and healthy and then we weaken and die -- that's probably how most would describe what aging is all about. But, in nature, the phenomenon of aging shows an unexpected diversity of patterns and is altogether rather strange,...

  • 巴西发现一种神奇野猫

    13-11-29 Researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on November 27 have identified a cryptic(神秘的) new species of wild cat living in Brazil. The discovery is a reminder of just how little scientists still know about the natural world...

  • 两种漂亮的黄蜂被划入蛛蜂属

    13-11-26 Two new beautiful wasp species are added to the rare pompilid(蛛蜂) genus Abernessia, which now contains a total of only four known species. The two new species A. prima and A. capixaba are believed to be endemic(地方性的) for Brazil alongside t...

  • 卷树蜥不是单一的物种

    13-11-26 The lowland tropics were once though filled with widespread species, while moderate and higher elevations were thought to contain species with more restricted distributions. That idea is turning out to be partially incorrect. Widespread species now...

  • 酸雨和臭氧枯竭造成古代物种大灭绝

    13-11-25 Around 250 million years ago, at the end of the Permian period, there was a mass extinction so severe that it remains the most traumatic(创伤的) known species die-off in Earth's history. Some researchers have suggested that this extinction was tri...

  • 巴西发现三种新的韦佛陷门蜘蛛

    13-11-21 Scientists discover three new gorgeous species of the wafer trapdoor genus Fufius -- F. minusculus, F. jalapensis, and F. candango. The discovery of the three new species, published in the open access journal ZooKeys, paves the road to understanding...

  • 中国西藏出土一块最古老的猫科动物化石

    13-11-13 The oldest big cat fossils ever found - from a previously unknown species similar to a snow leopard - have been unearthed in the Himalayas. 喜马拉雅山地区一块最古老的猫科动物化石被发掘出土这是一种类似于雪豹的未知物种。 It is rare for such an ancient...

  • 鱼类学家发现一种新鲨鱼

    13-11-08 Discovering a new species is, among biologists, akin to(近似) hitting a grand slam, and University of South Carolina ichthyologist(鱼类学者) Joe Quattro led a team that recently cleared the bases. In the journal Zootaxa, they describe a rare sha...