• 哥斯达黎加发现277种新茧蜂

    13-11-07 Costa Rica reveals astonishing biodiversity of braconid(茧蜂) wasps, with 277 new species of the tribe Heterospilini described in the latest special issue of the open access journal ZooKeys. This is the second part of an extensive two-part study o...

  • 澳洲发现迄今最大的鸭嘴兽化石

    13-11-06 No living mammal is more peculiar(独特的) than the platypus(鸭嘴兽) . It has a broad, duck-like bill, thick, otter-like fur, and webbed, beaver-like feet. The platypus lays eggs rather than gives birth to live young, its snout is covered with el...

  • 新物种的进化只需少量基因变异

    13-11-01 Only a few genetic changes are needed to spur the evolution of new species -- even if the original populations are still in contact and exchanging genes. Once started, however, evolutionary divergence(分歧) evolves rapidly, ultimately leading to f...

  • 海洋酸化将限制伊鲁康吉水母的活动

    13-10-30 A Griffith University led study has made the surprising discovery that ocean acidification may provide some protection for South East Queenslanders from the Irukandji jellyfish. Researchers from Griffith University's Australian Rivers Institute have...

  • 蝙蝠与鲸鱼有某些相似的行为

    13-10-30 Sperm whales weigh up to 50 tons, and the smallest bat barely reaches a gram. Nevertheless, the two species share the same success story: They both have developed the ability to use echolocation -- a biological sonar -- for hunting. Now Danish resea...

  • 研究人员对海豚进化史有了新认识

    13-10-30 Researchers from Nanjing Normal University and BGI report their original genomic research on Baiji, also known as Yangtze River dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer). The study gives new insight into the genetic and evolutionary adaptations of Dolphin, and p...

  • 林氏植物分类法将逐渐被新方法取代

    13-10-29 Taxonomic(分类的) descriptions, introduced by Linnaeus in 1735, are designed to allow scientists to tell one species from another. Now there is a new futuristic(未来派飞) method for describing new species that goes far beyond the tradition. The...

  • 气候变化对灰熊生存有一定益处

    13-10-29 Global warming and forest disturbances may have a silver lining for threatened species of grizzly bears(灰熊) in Alberta, Canada. In a 10-year study that monitored 112 bears in Alberta's Rocky Mountain region, University of Alberta biologist Scott...

  • 泰国发现一种新品种龙血树

    13-10-19 The newly discovered dragon tree species Dracaena kaweesakii from Thailand is characterized by its extensive branching. The new species reaches an impressive 12m in both height and crown diameter, and has beautiful soft sword-shaped leaves with whit...

  • “会唱歌的老鼠”通过叫声保护领地

    13-09-27 Two species of tawny(黄褐色) brown singing mice that live deep in the mountain cloud forests of Costa Rica and Panama set their boundaries by emitting high-pitched trills, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered. Although...