• 欧洲常见动物的数量有所恢复

    13-09-26 Some of Europe's key animals have made a comeback over the past 50 years, a report suggests. 报告显示,欧洲一些动物的数量在过去50年间有所上升。 Conservationists say species such as bears, wolves, lynx(猞猁,山猫) , eagles and vultures(秃鹰) have...

  • 奥特韦国家公园中发现一种神秘蜘蛛

    13-09-26 A recent paper published in the open access journal Zookeys provides a first-time glimpse in the natural history of the enigmatic(神秘的) spider species Progradungula otwayensis. Lurking in the hollows of old myrtle(桃金娘) beech(山毛榉) trees...

  • 珊瑚礁并非鱼类生物多样性最丰富的地方

    13-09-26 Teeming with species, tropical coral reefs have been long thought to be the areas of greatest biodiversity for fishes and other marine life -- and thus most deserving of resources for conservation. But a new global study of reef fishes reveals a sur...

  • 巴布亚新几内亚发现三种微型青蛙

    13-09-21 Three new species of tiny frogs from Papua New Guinea are described in the latest issue of Zookeys. Dr Fred Kraus, University of Michigan, who in 2011 in Zookeys described the world's smallest frogs Paedophryne dekot and Paedophryne verrucosa, now a...

  • 印尼发现一种新鼠类

    13-09-21 A prominent tuft(一簇) of spiny hair on the back, a white tail tip and three pairs of teats(乳头) represent the unique set of characteristics describing a new genus of rat which has been discovered in the Moluccan province of Indonesia. This reg...

  • 气候变化可能加快森林的生命周期

    13-09-12 Many climate studies have predicted that tree species will respond to global warming by migrating via seed dispersal to cooler climates. But a new study of 65 different species in 31 eastern states finds evidence of a different, unexpected response....

  • 蝙蝠与海豚的基因有相似处

    13-09-05 The evolution of similar traits in different species, a process known as convergent(会聚性的) evolution, is widespread not only at the physical level, but also at the genetic level, according to new research led by scientists at Queen Mary Univers...

  • 冈瓦那发现最古老的陆生动物化石

    13-09-04 A postdoctoral fellow from Wits University has discovered the oldest known land-living animal from Gondwana in a remote part of the Eastern Cape. Dr Robert Gess, from the Evolutionary Studies Institute at Wits, discovered the 350 million year old fo...

  • 西非发现新品种蝙蝠

    13-09-04 An international team of scientists, including biologists from, the University of York, has discovered five new species of bats in West Africa. The team, which also included researchers from the Czech University of Life Sciences and the Academy of S...

  • 人体内遍布微生物群

    13-08-21 The human body is full of tiny microorganisms -- hundreds to thousands of species of bacteria collectively called the microbiome, which are believed to contribute to a healthy existence. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract -- and the colon in particular...