• 发现:银河系组成星体的陈迹

    09-11-27 The history of the Milky Way(银河) is encoded in its oldest fragments, globular(球状的) clusters(蔟) and other systems of stars that have witnessed the entire evolution of our galaxy, says Francesco Ferraro, lead author of a paper appearing in...

  • 恒星的锂元素含量决定该星系行星数量

    09-11-13 For almost 10 years we have tried to find out what distinguishes(区别,辨别) stars with planetary systems(行星系) from their barren(不育的,贫瘠的) cousins, says Garik Israelian, lead author of a paper appearing this week in the journal Nature...

  • Jackson的父亲请求分得遗产

    09-11-08 Joe Jackson has requested an allowance from the estate of his late son Michael, saying the pop star supported him for years before his death. Joe Jackson请求分得他已故儿子Michael的财产,称这位巨星在生前支持过他很多年。 Court papers gave a list of Jo...

  • 过去发生的爆炸为宇宙早期的研究提供了线索

    09-10-30 Astronomers(天文学家) using the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope have gained tantalizing(诱人的) insights into the nature of the most distant object ever observed in the Universe -- a gigantic stellar(星球的...

  • 一群迷人的星团被发现

    09-10-30 Star clusters(星团) are among the most visually alluring(迷人的,诱惑的) and astrophysically fascinating objects in the sky. One of the most spectacular nestles(安置) deep in the southern skies near the Southern Cross in the constellation(星...

  • 爆发恒星见证宇宙起源

    09-10-29 Astronomers have confirmed that an exploding star spotted by Nasa's Swift satellite is the most distant cosmic object to be detected by telescopes. 天文学家已经证实,美国航空航天局的威夫特卫星拍摄到的一颗爆发星是天文望远镜探测到的最远的宇宙星体。 Th...

  • The Star 星星

    09-10-25 by Jane Taylor, 1783-1824 (1) Twinkle, twinkle, little star! How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. 闪耀,闪耀,小星星! 我想知道你身形, 高高挂在天空中, 就像天上的钻石。 (2) When the blazing sun is gone,...

  • 《欲望都市》演员Cattrall重回伦敦舞台

    09-10-25 Sex and the City star Kim Cattrall will be returning to the West End stage in the Noel Coward comedy Private Lives. 《欲望都市》影星Kim Cattrall将会回归伦敦西区参演Noel Coward的喜剧《私人生活》。 Cattrall has been filming the second Sex And the City...

  • Harry Potter stars enter the Guinness World Records book 哈

    09-09-21 哈利波特系列电影的男主角丹尼尔雷德克里夫和女主角艾玛沃特森近期作为十年内票房最高的演员而被录入《吉尼斯世界纪录》。根据票房统计,前六部哈利波特电影的票房已经达到54亿美元,另有两部尚未出品。同时录入此次世界纪录的还有BBC的电视舞蹈秀节目《来跳舞》,该节...

  • US film star Patrick Swayze dies 美国影星Patrick Swayze逝世

    09-09-15 Dirty Dancing film star Patrick Swayze has died aged 57, his publicist says. 辣身舞影星Patrick Swayze的发言人证实,Patrick Swayze因胰腺癌逝世,享年57岁。 Patrick Swayze had planned to write the book with his wife, Lisa Niemi Annett Wolf said that th...