• 探测神秘的“暗物质”

    21-06-24 Look up at the skies and you see stars. But this telescope in the deserts of Chile is able to see the Universe as it really is, filled with a mysterious substance called dark matter. It cant be seen but this instrument can detect dark matter by the...

  • see stars 眼冒金星

    21-06-04 想一想,除了抬头望天之外,你还能在什么时候看到星星?被撞倒或是被打到眼冒金星的时候。 所以see stars又有眼冒金星的意思。 if you see stars, you are partly unconscious because you have been hit on the head. (头部受撞击而)眼冒金星 例句: I bumped my he...

  • 欧空局发射太空望远镜以探测系外行星

    20-11-21 欧洲的 系外行星特征卫星(Cheops)太空望远镜已发射升空,以探索太阳系外的行星。这个观测卫星将继续跟进以往的探索工作,尽全力发掘关于遥远世界的新见解。 Some 4,500 planets have been discovered orbiting other stars. But theres a feeling now that the scien...

  • 韩国政府提议对偶像出镜率进行限制

    19-02-22 South Koreas government has reportedly come under fire for suggesting a cap on K-pop stars appearing on television shows as the singers look too alike. 据报道,由于韩国歌手外貌过于相似,政府提议限制偶像歌手在电视节目中的出镜频次,然而此举遭到猛烈抨...

  • 《人物》发布好莱坞时尚明星排行榜

    19-02-15 Ahead of the Academy Awards, People magazine has released its list of Hollywoods most stylish stars. 奥斯卡颁奖典礼之前,《人物》杂志发布好莱坞最时尚明星排行榜。 The magazine calls Lupita Nyongo a trailblazing beauty and Emma Stone the modern romant...

  • 新发现的行星HD 131399Ab有三个太阳

    16-07-11 If you thought Luke Skywalkers home planet, Tatooine, was a strange world with its two suns in the sky, imagine this: a planet where youd either experience constant daylight or enjoy triple sunrises and sunsets each day, depending on the seasons, wh...

  • 星系为何停止形成恒星

    16-07-11 Galaxies come in three main shapes - elliptical, spiral (such as the Milky Way) and irregular. They can be massive or small. To add to this mix, galaxies can also be blue or red. Blue galaxies are still actively forming stars. Red ones mostly are no...

  • 小王子 Chapter 13

    16-07-11 The fourth planet belonged to a businessman. This man was so much occupied that he did not even raise his head at the little princes arrival. Good morning, the little prince said to him. Your cigarette has gone out. Three and two make five. Five and...

  • 海星大量死亡带来的多米诺效应

    16-06-27 A new study by Simon Fraser University marine ecologists Jessica Schultz, Ryan Cloutier and Isabelle Ct has discovered that a mass mortality of sea stars resulted in a domino effect on B.C.s West Coast Howe Sound marine ecology. In the summer of 201...

  • 2020东京奥运会开幕式将上演人造流星雨

    16-05-27 A Japanese research company called ALE Co. (aka Star-ALE) is bidding to put on a sensational pyrotechnics display for the opening ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. But this is no regular fireworks show: ALE Co.s Sky Canvas is an artific...