• 围绕低质量恒星运行的行星上不太可能存在生命

    14-12-04 Planets orbiting close to low-mass stars -- easily the most common stars in the universe -- are prime targets in the search for extraterrestrial life. But new research led by an astronomy graduate student at the University of Washington indicates so...

  • 《智取威虎山》平安夜上映

    14-11-27 Hong Kong director Tsui Hark's latest film Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy is revealed to hit Chinese theatres on Christmas Eve. 香港导演徐克的最新影片《智取威虎山》将于平安夜在各大影院上映。 Poster for Hong Kong director Tsui Hark's latest film T...

  • Great expectation

    14-11-24 As the night was fast falling, and as the moon, being past the full, would not rise early, we held a little council: a short one, for clearly our course was to lie by at the first lonely tavern we could find. So, they plied their oars once more, and...

  • 北美太平洋海岸的海星遭病毒影响

    14-11-20 Museum biological collections are the records of life on Earth and as such, they are frequently used to investigate serious environmental issues. When public health officials were concerned about the levels of mercury in fish and birds, for example,...

  • 大质量黑洞能限制新星的形成

    14-10-22 Massive black holes spewing out radio-frequency-emitting particles at near-light speed can block formation of new stars in aging galaxies, a study has found. The research provides crucial new evidence that it is these jets of radio-frequency feedbac...

  • 乔治·克鲁尼疑似奉子成婚

    14-09-30 曾扬言不会再婚的乔治克鲁尼,去年与律师艾默阿拉穆丁恋爱仅7个月,便于今年4月闪电订婚,克鲁尼突然心甘情愿走入婚姻殿堂的消息成为好莱坞热门话题。原来,早前艾默阿拉穆丁曾被媒体偷拍到腹部微隆,疑似有喜。 Hollywood star George Clooney has married human righ...

  • 乔治·克鲁尼与阿迈勒·阿拉姆丁在威尼斯完婚

    14-09-28 Hollywood star George Clooney has married human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin in Venice, in one of the most eagerly anticipated events of the showbusiness year. 好莱坞明星乔治克鲁尼与人权律师阿迈勒阿拉姆丁在威尼斯完婚,这是本年度演艺界最令人期待的事...

  • 恒星重力波

    14-09-24 Scientists have shown how gravitational waves -- invisible ripples in the fabric of space and time that propagate through the universe -- might be seen by looking at the stars. The new model proposes that a star that oscillates at the same frequency...

  • 大质量星系能吞食附近小星系增加质量

    14-09-20 Massive galaxies in the Universe have stopped making their own stars and are instead snacking on nearby galaxies, according to research by Australian scientists. Astronomers looked at more than 22,000 galaxies and found that while smaller galaxies a...

  • Lateral Dimensions

    14-09-04 Lateral Dimensions Les Murray Cloudy night -- not enough stars to make frost haunted house -- one room the cattle never would go in mowing done -- each thing's a ship again on a wide green harbour purification -- newspapers soaked in rain before the...