• 星系之间彼此互相融合

    12-10-15 Using gravitational lenses in space, University of Utah astronomers discovered that the centers of the biggest galaxies are growing denser -- evidence of repeated collisions and mergers by massive galaxies with 100 billion stars. We found that durin...

  • 星系形成时的大爆炸照亮了早期的宇宙

    12-09-06 New data from the South Pole Telescope indicates that the birth of the first massive galaxies that lit up the early universe was an explosive event, happening faster and ending sooner than suspected. Extremely bright, active galaxies formed and full...

  • 数亿恒星曾“捕获”过行星

    12-04-18 New research suggests that billions of stars in our galaxy have captured rogue planets that once roamed interstellar space(星际空间) . The nomad(流浪的) worlds, which were kicked out of the star systems in which they formed, occasionally find a...

  • 天文学家发现两颗120亿年的白矮星

    12-04-12 A University of Oklahoma assistant professor and colleagues have identified two white dwarf stars considered the oldest and closest known to man. Astronomers identified these 11- to 12-billion-year-old white dwarf stars only 100 light years away fro...

  • 仙女座星系发现超亮蓝色恒星

    12-01-12 Peering deep inside the hub of the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a large, rare population of hot, bright stars. Blue is typically an indicator of hot, young stars. In this case, however, the stellar odditi...

  • An Inhabitant Of Carcosa 3

    11-12-28 A moment later a man's head appeared to rise out of the ground a short distance away. He was ascending the farther slope of a low hill whose crest was hardly to be distinguished from the general level. His whole figure soon came into view against th...

  • 天文学家在宇宙中发现复杂有机物

    11-10-27 Astronomers report in the journal Nature that organic compounds of unexpected complexity exist throughout the Universe. The results suggest that complex organic compounds are not the sole domain of life but can be made naturally by stars. Prof. Sun...

  • 暗物质的神秘色彩愈发浓厚

    11-10-18 Like all galaxies, our Milky Way is home to a strange substance called dark matter. Dark matter is invisible, betraying its presence only through its gravitational pull. Without dark matter holding them together, our galaxy's speedy stars would fly...

  • The More Loving One

    11-10-10 The More Loving One W.H.Auden Looking up at the stars, I know quite well 仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚, That, for all they care, I can go to hell 尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府, But on earth indifference is the least 可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧 We...

  • 星系发出的光印证相对论

    11-09-29 All observations in astronomy(天文学) are based on light emitted from stars and galaxies and, according to the general theory of relativity, the light will be affected by gravity. At the same time all interpretations in astronomy are based on the...