• Chinese Film Stars 英国人眼中的中国影星

    23-01-29 This weeks question is about Chinese film stars. These are the actors and actresses who are known and loved for their appearances in films on the big and small screen. The best-known ones are famous around the world. But which star is the most popul...

  • 《海洋奇缘》第14章

    22-12-21 Maui reached his hand to the sky to read the stars, and Moana raised her hand, too. Maui lifted her arm a little higher, placing it in just the right spot, showing her the proper way to navigate. A moon bow shone brightly above as the ocean carried...

  • thank your lucky stars 庆幸运气好

    22-11-30 表达 thank your lucky stars 的字面意思是 感谢你的福星,实际用来感叹 庆幸自己运气好 或 对意外的好结果感到庆幸不已。 例句 I thank my lucky stars that I found this job when I did. 我找到这份工作时,庆幸自己运气好。 You should thank your lucky stars tha...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第7章

    22-09-07 Well, Mother, theres something I want to tell you, Rapunzel said cautiously. Mother Gothel started to ramble about their earlier argument, telling Rapunzel that she was wrong and Mother Gothel was right. But Rapunzel remained focused. Okay, she said...

  • written in the stars 命中注定

    21-07-15 在西方,天上的星星象征梦想与希望,同时,星星也常和古老、永恒等概念联系在一起,满天的繁星在我们看来总是遥不可及,因此表达 written in the stars 用来指冥冥之中早已注定的、无法改变的事,通常形容爱情。 在莎士比亚名剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,搭配 star-crosse...

  • 7月精彩新片

    21-07-05 Black Widow《黑寡妇》 Scarlett Johanssons Natasha Romanoff finally gets her own solo film, a decade after the Russian spy was introduced in Iron Man 2. Inconveniently, she was killed off in Avengers: Endgame, but Loki and Vision came back from the d...