• 亚洲最大地铁车站在深圳投入使用

    15-12-30 Asia's largest underground railway station opened on Wednesday in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, launching high-speed rail service between Guangzhou and Hong Kong. 亚洲最大的地铁车站周三在中国深圳投入使用,该站提供从广州至香港的高铁服务。 Th...

  • 国际空间站内有多干净?

    15-10-30 State-of-the-art molecular analysis of dust samples from the International Space Station (ISS) has been employed to reveal new information about some of the potential bacterial agents present in the astronauts' space environment. The research, publi...

  • 英国火车站安装夏日芬芳空气贩卖机

    15-08-16 A vending machine stocked with bottles of summer scented air was assembled at Slough train station to help evoke holiday memories among commuters. 英国斯劳火车站安装了一台出售瓶装夏日芬芳空气的贩卖机,意在唤起通勤者的假日记忆。 A hundred bottles wer...

  • 中国科学家计划太空中建发电站

    15-03-30 Chinese scientists are mulling the construction of a solar power station 36,000 kilometers above ground. 中国科学家正考虑在距离地面36000公里的太空中建设一座太阳能发电站。 If realized, it will surpass the scale of the Apollo project and the Internati...

  • To the station

    14-08-27 We're traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of(鳞次栉比) corn...

  • 美国女子弥留之际为丈夫许下美好愿望

    13-12-27 据美国哥伦比亚广播公司12月23日报道,身患癌症的美国女子布伦达施米茨在弥留之际写信为丈夫及其家人许下三个美好愿望。布伦达去世数年之后,这些愿望居然实现了,令人惊讶,感动不已。 A note written to an Iowa radio station is getting worldwide attention. The...

  • 纽约发生列车相撞事故 4人丧生

    13-12-02 Four people have been killed and more than 60 injured in a passenger train crash in the Bronx area of New York. 纽约布朗克斯地区发生一起客运列车相撞事故,4人丧生,60多人受伤。 The train appeared to be going a lot faster than normal as it approached...

  • 圣保罗一座公交车站遭民众袭击

    13-10-28 Hundreds of protesters have attacked a bus station in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, setting fire to a bus and destroying cash and ticket machines. 数百名抗议者袭击了巴西圣保罗市一座汽车站,他们放火烧了一辆公交车、破坏了收银机和售票机。 Riot polic...

  • 阿根廷一辆列车撞入终点站

    13-10-20 A commuter train in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, has crashed at the end of the line, leaving at least 80 people injured. 阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯一辆通勤列车失速撞上了终点线,造成至少80人受伤。 The train ended up wedged between the floor and...

  • 埃及关停四座电视台

    13-09-04 An Egyptian court has ordered the closure of four television channels that have been accused of sympathising with the Muslim Brotherhood. 埃及一座法院下令关闭四个电视频道,这些频道被指与穆斯林兄弟会有瓜葛。 They include the Brotherhood's own station...