• 北京相亲会吸引数千名高校学生

    17-04-11 A speed dating party in Beijing has attracted thousands of students from many prestigious universities in the capital, reports Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,北京的一场相亲会吸引了来自首都多所著名高校的数千名学生参加。 The party was held o...

  • 清华新校规:不会游泳就无法毕业

    17-04-05 Students aiming to enter Tsinghua University this year had better be able to swim or be prepared to learn swimming and pass a swim test since the prestigious university will not grant bachelors degrees if they cannot swim. 今年打算考取清华大学的学生...

  • 南京的小学生将免费享受课后看护

    17-02-08 Primary school students in Nanjing city will be able to enjoy free after-school care starting with the upcoming spring semester, reports Modern Express. 《现代快报》报道,春季学期开学之后,南京市的小学生将享受免费的课后看护。 Parents who have diffic...

  • 考前紧张怎么表达

    17-01-24 Thinking about the final exams keys him up. 想到期末考试使他紧张。 Penny never got uptight about exams. 彭妮从来不会因为考试而紧张。 The students were all psyched up for their final exams. 学生们都为期末考试而紧张起来。 She was all nerves before the...

  • 防学生作弊新招 头戴报纸

    17-01-15 School teachers in China have apparently come up with an ingenious way to stop their students from cheating in exams. 中国学校的老师们似乎想出了一个防止学生作弊的妙招。 Pupils from a middle school in east Chinas Anhui Province were told to wear news...

  • 朗朗为留守儿童举行筹款音乐会

    17-01-11 Chinese piano virtuoso Lang Lang has given a concert to raise funds for rural left-behind children in Gansu Province. 中国钢琴家朗朗在甘肃省为农村留守儿童举行了一场筹款音乐会。 The internationally-acclaimed pianist played works by Debussys Ballade a...

  • 印度小学准许家长用栽树代替学费

    16-12-30 To encourage all students to get an education, even if their parents cant afford it, a primary school in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh is asking parents to simply plant a tree sapling instead of paying school fees. 印度恰蒂斯加尔邦的一所小学要求...

  • tree-climbing course 爬树课程

    16-12-17 A tree-climbing course was opened this school term at Northwest University in Xian, capital of Northwest Chinas Shaanxi province, to teach students skills that might be helpful in a disaster or emergency situation. 位于陕西省西安市的西北大学本学期开...

  • 日本公司麻将桌上选拔人才

    16-07-03 Fifty Japanese graduates opted to gamble with their job prospects at a mahjong tournament set up by recruiters looking for a different way to find the next high flyer. 五十名日本毕业生选择参加麻将竞赛以争取工作机会。招聘者们组织了这次打麻将活动,借...

  • 色彩鲜艳的房间能提升注意力水平

    16-07-03 Struggling with that last minute exam prep? Paint your walls yellow and red. 还在为迎战考试而作最后奋斗吗?把墙刷成黄色和红色吧。 Brightly coloured rooms can boost your concentration levels, scientists have discovered. Students say they prefer to st...