• 与“学霸”一起学习 成绩不会提高

    13-12-12 A new study contradicts(反驳) the popular theory that students perform better when surrounded by higher-achieving classmates. Michigan State University's Scott Imberman and colleagues found that marginal students in a middle school gifted and tale...

  • 遗传对学习成绩的影响大于环境

    13-12-12 The degree to which students' exam scores differ owes more to their genes than to their teachers, schools or family environments, according to new research from King's College London published today in PLOS ONE. The study, which took place in the UK...

  • The Taoist of Mount Lao

    13-11-25 A long time ago, there was a young man called Wang Qi. When he heard that there were many immortals on Mount Lao, he went there at once. There was a Daoist who still looked young although he was very old. Wang Qi became one of his pupils. During his...

  • 青少年如何交朋友

    13-11-18 It's a common perception portrayed in movies from The Breakfast Club to Mean Girls. Teenage friendships are formed by joining cliques(派系,小团体) such as jocks, geeks and goths. But a national study led by a Michigan State University scholar fin...

  • A Clever Interpreter

    13-11-13 A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to have a lecture at a university to a large group of students. As most of them could not understand spoken English, he had to have an interpreter. During his lecture he told an amusing story which...

  • 美国内华达州一中学枪击案 1死2伤

    13-10-25 A student at a Nevada middle school opened fire with a semi-automatic handgun on campus just before the starting bell Monday, wounding two 12-year-old boys and killing a math teacher who was trying to protect children from their classmate. 美国内华...

  • 视频字幕能提高观察者的理解力

    13-10-14 A simple change -- switching on captions(题注,字幕) -- can make a big difference when students watch educational videos, an SF State professor has discovered. Robert Keith Collins, an assistant professor of American Indian studies, found that stu...

  • 1/10的哈佛新生曾有作弊行为

    13-09-21 An anonymous survey by Harvard's newspaper has revealed a surprising pattern of academic dishonesty among students entering the US university. 据报道,哈佛大学的报纸进行的一项匿名调查揭示了一个出人意料的事实,那就是进入美国大学的学生中存在学术上不诚...

  • 年轻人的学业选择受家庭背景影响

    13-09-16 Even though Danish students have equal access to education, their choice of studies is still influenced by social class. Young people from working class backgrounds are motivated by studies with a clear job profile and high income, while prestige an...

  • 英国某大学调查新生性取向遭批评

    13-09-13 A college has been condemned for asking 16 and 17-year-old students whether they were gay or straight on registration forms. 英国巴恩斯利学院在学生注册表上列出选项,询问其是同性恋还是异性恋,以及是否是变性人。 Form: The registration paperwork for Ba...