• self-service supermarket 无人超市

    15-06-26 Beijing's first self-service supermarket has decided to add sales personnel just one day after its trial operation. 北京首家无人超市在试运行仅一天后,决定增加销售人员。 无人超市可以用self-service supermarket 表示,self-service表示自助的,无人售货的...

  • 每每进超市 你都被操控

    14-10-21 Every time you enter the supermarket, you're being manipulated. 每每进超市,你都被操控。 By design, all of the basics you're just dropping by to pick up lie on the far side of a sea of temptation: the eggs, milk, and bread are blocked by fruit snack...

  • social supermarket 社会超市

    14-08-14 Social supermarket is a supermarket intended for people living in poverty where cut-price food is sold. The food is cheap because it has damaged packaging or incorrect labelling. 社会超市是一种向穷人开放、出售减价食品的超市。这些食品因为包装破损或标...

  • Little Old Lady 小老太太

    12-09-21 A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him. Pardon me, she said. I'm sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. It's just that you look just like my son, who died...

  • 印度政府零售业改革激起大罢工

    12-09-20 Opposition parties and trade unions in India are joining in a day-long strike over the government's plan to open the retail sector to global supermarket chains and other reforms. 印度政府向全球连锁超市开放零售业的计划与其它改革促使反对党与工会联合发...

  • Calming your son 让你儿子静下来

    12-06-26 In the supermarket was a man pushing a cart which contained a screaming, bellowing(吼叫) baby. The gentleman kept repeating softly, Don't get excited, Albert; don't scream, Albert; don't yell, Albert; keep calm, Albert. A woman standing next to hi...

  • 购物会让女性感到慌乱紧张

    12-02-11 Women are meant to be the experts at shopping - but new research reveals the whole experience leaves them flustered and stressed. 女性本应是购物高手,但新研究揭示,购物会让女性感到慌乱紧张。 The surprise findings emerged in a study of 2,000 people a...

  • 韩国地铁站兴起“虚拟超市”

    11-08-08 Commuters could soon be able to do their shopping on the way to work while waiting for a train on a station platform. A 'virtual supermarket' consisting of posters of shelves stocked with goods pasted on platform walls is set to be introduced at Lon...

  • 英超市出售驯鹿肉引起抗议

    10-11-21 英国一家连锁超市最近开始出售驯鹿肉,此举引起动物保护组织的抗议,称其破坏了圣诞节魔力,同时也剥夺了野生动物的生存权。 A supermarket chain was under fire on Monday for selling reindeer(驯鹿) meat in its British stores in the run-up to Christmas. Ger...

  • 英国中等收入者偏爱超市自有品牌

    10-06-12 Admire them for their prudence - but don't tell their friends. 你可以赞赏他们会过日子,但千万别告诉他们的朋友。 Middle-income earners are the most enthusiastic(热情的,狂热的) consumers of supermarket own-brand products. Almost half (48 percent) o...