• 华裔寿司师傅做出运动鞋寿司

    17-05-27 If youre a sushi chef, churning out hundreds of California rolls a day probably gets old fast. One sushi chef is changing the game by shaping his offerings into some of todays most popular athletic shoes. 如果你是一位寿司师傅,那么每天机械制作几百个...

  • 寿司对环境和人体健康都有害

    17-04-05 Its a staple lunch-choice for city-workers all over the country and youre never far from a restaurant or supermarket selling the traditional Japanese delicacy. 寿司现在是英国大小城市上班族的主要午餐选择,附近随便哪家餐厅或超市都在卖这种传统日本美食...

  • 源于日语的英文词

    16-07-21 Anime (日本)动漫 Bonsai 盆景,盆栽 Haiku 俳句 注:日本传统诗体,三行为一首,通常有17个音节。 Karaoke 卡拉OK Kimono 和服 Hibachi 木炭火盆 Kabuki 歌舞伎 Koi 锦鲤 Matsutake 松茸 Origami 日本折纸艺术 Ramen 日本拉面 Sake 日本清酒 Sashimi 生鱼片 Sensei...

  • 气候变化间接导致寿司价格提高

    14-11-21 Sushi prices in restaurants and supermarkets are tipped to soar after a sharp increase in one of the key costs of creating the Japanese dish. 在日食的制作成本增加后,餐馆及超市的寿司价格也将水涨船高。 A large proportion of sushi, which combines raw...

  • frankenfoods 创意混搭食品

    14-08-28 Frankenfoods are revolutionary culinary creations that mash up original and unexpected food combinations and ingredients, resulting in delicious dishes...or awful misses. 弗兰肯食品是用变革性方法烹调出的食品,食材和调味料的搭配让人意想不到,结果可能...

  • 寿司含热量高蛋白质少

    13-03-15 Sushi is no longer the sole preserve of the adventurous diner. These days, grabbing a pack for lunch is almost as common as picking up a cheese and pickle sandwich. 寿司不再是美食冒险家的专利了。如今,买一盒寿司作午餐几乎就像买奶酪泡菜三明治一样稀松...

  • DNA检测:洛杉矶、首尔的鲸肉产自日本

    10-04-15 An international team of Oregon State University scientists, documentary(纪录片) filmmakers and environmental advocates(拥护者,提倡者) has uncovered an apparent illegal trade in whalemeat, linking whales killed in Japan's controversial scientif...

  • Actor Piven cleared in sushi row 演员Piven寿司中毒一事解决

    09-08-29 Actor Jeremy Piven has been cleared in a dispute with Broadway producers after sushi-related mercury poisoning caused him to quit a play. 演员Jeremy Piven与百老汇制片人一场争论结束,此前他曾因为寿司水银中毒事件被迫退出一场戏剧。 Piven said his illne...
