• 7个脑筋急转弯 测试思维是否严密

    16-01-28 Convinced your common sense is pretty sound? You might want to put it to the test with a new quiz. 你对常识了解的够多吗?可以通过下面这个测验测一测。 Quiz master Tom Dunbar, from Plymouth, has devised a seven question test with trick answers that's...

  • 一种独特的诊断试验可以快速检测传染病

    15-07-07 Infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and some of the world's deadliest superbugs--C. difficile and MRSA among them--could soon be detected much earlier by a unique diagnostic test, designed to easily and quickly identify dangerous pathogens. Rese...

  • 坐下再站起来 能预测你的寿命

    14-12-13 The simple exercise of sitting down and standing up again without holding onto anything, could suggest how long you have to live. 不搀扶任何东西,坐下再站起来。从这一系列简单的动作就能预测你的寿命。 This is the belief of a group of physicians, who c...

  • DNA检测可测试患病几率

    14-12-05 A test to tell if you are at risk from Alzheimer's disease and dozens of other conditions goes on sale in Britain today costing 125. 在英国,你只要花125英镑(约合人民币1210元)进行一个DNA检测,就能知道自己患阿尔兹海默症或其他几十种疾病的风险有多高。...

  • 奥运冠军孙杨药检呈阳性被禁赛

    14-11-25 Chinese Olympic and world swimming champion Sun Yang had failed a doping test and been banned for three months, China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) told Xinhua on Monday. 中国反兴奋剂中心周一向新华社透露,中国奥运会以及世界游泳冠军孙杨没有通过药检被...

  • Needles are not Nice

    14-10-22 Diane, I just don't understand?! I don't have a boyfriend or a husband, I can never get a date and guys just don't seem interested in me. I don't know what's wrong with me. You know what, her friend replied, I know a Chinese doctor that can help you...

  • 测试异性关系的六个方法

    14-06-08 You're a smart, attractive person, so you wouldn't be surprised if one of your friends got the hots for you and then started acting all kinds of crazy. 你聪明,充满吸引力,所以如果你的一个朋友迷上了你,然后为你做出一系列疯狂的举动就不会令人奇怪了。...

  • lightweight reader 轻量级读者

    14-01-16 Lightweight reader refers to someone who gets sleepy or passes out shortly after starting to read. 轻量级读者指的是那些一开始看书就犯困或者看没多久就睡着的人。 Contrary to heavyweight, which means very powerful, lightweight means having little abili...

  • 新研究将使乳糜泻的诊断更便捷准确

    14-01-15 A new blood test being developed by Walter and Eliza Hall Institute researchers can rapidly and accurately diagnose celiac disease(乳糜泻) without the need for prolonged gluten(面筋,谷蛋白) exposure. Dr Jason Tye-Din, gastroenterologist and hea...

  • underground nuclear test 地下核试验

    13-09-26 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said on Tuesday it has successfully conducted the third underground nuclear test , according to the official KCNA news agency. 朝鲜官方的朝中社报道,朝鲜已于本周二(2月12日)成功进行了第三次地下核试验...