• you've got it in the bag 稳操胜券

    21-04-24 Youve got it in the bag. 这句话可用来告诉他人你相信并认为此人正在做的事情 十有八九能成功,也就是汉语里说的 稳操胜券、十拿九稳。这句话的时态也可以变成一般过去时,即 You had it in the bag.,与 Youve got it in the bag. 意思相同。在使用中,还可以用所做...

  • 3月16日起北京疫情防控措施将有所放松

    21-03-16 3月16日起,北京市一系列防控措施优化,方便市民生产生活。 Beijing will relax COVID-19 restrictions starting Tuesday as the Chinese capital has seen no new locally transmitted cases for over a month, the municipal government said Monday. 北京市政府3月1...

  • 别想太多

    21-03-15 Sometimes I cant sleep because a problem plays over and over in my mind. Does this happen to you? Psychologists who used the results of an online test conducted by the BBC and the University of Liverpool say that some self-reflection can be good. Bu...

  • health certificate for international travelers 国际旅行健康

    21-03-12 外交部领事司表示,3月8日,中国版国际旅行健康证明微信小程序已正式上线。健康证明有纸质版和电子版两种形式,展示持有人的核酸、血清IgG抗体检测结果及疫苗接种情况等。 A Chinese version of the health certificate for international travelers was launched Marc...

  • 无人驾驶汽车

    21-02-27 I passed my driving test at the fourth attempt. You might think that means Im not as safe as someone who passed first time. But would you feel safer with no driver at all? Maybe not, and its for this reason that automotive firms have included driver...

  • 国家卫健委:持7日以内的核酸阴性检测证明才能返乡

    21-01-25 国家卫生健康委员会疾控局监察专员王斌在1月20日国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上表示,返乡人员要持有7日以内的核酸阴性检测证明,才能够返乡。 According to a notice released on the website of the National Health Commission, people returning to rural areas s...

  • 长相英俊的男性找工作更易碰壁

    21-01-25 你可能会认为长相英俊帅气的男人在生活中有着天生的优势。但一项新的研究表明,美貌并不总是放之四海而皆准的标杆,至少在找工作时,美貌并不一定能帮得上忙。 Its not always an advantage to be pretty, says Marko Pitesa, an assistant professor at the Universit...

  • ace a test 考试得高分

    20-12-16 短语 ace a test 用来表示 某人在一次测验或考试中取得了很高的分数。动词 ace 源自扑克牌中的 A 纸牌(the ace card)。通常情况下,A 纸牌 是扑克牌中最大的一张,所以在谈论与考试有关的语境中,动词 ace 就用来表示 考得非常好。短语 ace a test 中的名词 test(测...

  • experiment、test和trial有什么区别

    20-10-31 Experiment、test 和 trial 作名词使用时,都有 试验 这个中文释义,但它们所指的试验类型却不同。下面,我们就来讲一讲 experiment、test 和 trial 在表示 试验 的意思时最主要的区别是什么。 这三个词之间最大的区别是:人们开展 an experiment(一次试验或实验) 的...

  • 关于“吃”的习语

    20-10-19 1 SPICE THINGS UP 增添情趣 Youve probably guessed by now that to spice things up means to make them more interesting or exciting. 你可能已经猜到spice things up意为使事情变得更加有趣。 例句: Instead of just buying Sam a birthday gift, lets spice thi...