• side-text 小窗口私聊

    14-12-17 Side-text means while you are texting or having an online conversation with a group of people, you also have a private conversation with someone in the group. Side-text指你在跟一群人发短信或者在线群聊的同时,跟群里的某个人私聊的行为,也就是我们常说...

  • 手机应用Beam可看到对方正在输入的内容

    14-11-16 The Beam Messenger app shows everything another person is typing in a text message as they type it. 一款名为Beam的通讯类应用程序能让你看到对方正在输入的所有内容。 This means that if your friend has the app, they could see the keys you press, includi...

  • 中非政府禁发手机短信

    14-06-05 The authorities in the Central African Republic (CAR) have banned the use of mobile phone text messages. 中非共和国当局禁止民众使用手机发短信。 The move is aimed at helping to restore security after more than a year of deadly ethnic and religious vi...

  • textpectation 短信期待

    14-04-18 Textpectation refers to the anticipation one feels when waiting for a response to a text message. 短信期待指的是在等待短信回复时焦躁不安的过程。 Example: I just texted her for a date - but now the textpectation is killing me. 我刚刚给她发短信邀她出...

  • text-killer 短信终结语

    14-01-22 Text-killer is the final text, usually a one word reply, such as yeah and haha ok, used to designate the end of the conversation. Unless you have a desperate texter on the other end. 短信终结语就是最后一条短信,通常是一个词的答复语,比如是啊或哈哈好...

  • 危地马拉发现玛雅叙事石碑

    13-07-18 Archaeologists tunneling beneath the main temple of the ancient Maya city of El Per-Waka' in northern Guatemala have discovered an intricately(杂乱地) carved stone monument with hieroglyphic(象形文字) text detailing the exploits of a little-know...

  • 女人发短信时使用更多表情符号

    12-10-12 Women are twice as likely as men to use emoticons(情感符) in text messages, according to a new study from Rice University. Emoticons are graphic symbols that use punctuation marks(标点符号) and letters to represent facial expressions to convey a...

  • 澳数千人收到勒索短信

    12-07-28 自本周一起,澳大利亚有数千人收到一条死亡威胁短信,称如果不在48小时内支付5000澳元,就会性命不保。澳大利亚警方称该短信可能是有组织犯罪团伙所为,并告诫人们收到此类短信后不要回复,立即删除,不要惊慌。 Thousands of Australians have received a death threa...

  • 人们发短信时容易讲真话

    12-05-17 Text messaging is a surprisingly good way to get candid(公正的,坦白的) responses to sensitive questions, according to a new study to be presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. The prelimi...

  • 短信联系有助缓解压抑

    12-04-11 Text messaging often gets a bad rap(口碑差) for contributing to illiteracy and high-risk behavior such as reckless driving. But a social welfare professor at the University of California, Berkeley, has found an upside to texting, especially for pe...