• 打电话比发短信更容易联络感情

    20-10-29 So many things can keep you from seeing your loved ones in person, from busy schedules to long distances to a rather unexpected pandemic. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, the people we miss are often only a phone call or text message away....

  • Eavesread 窥读

    20-09-26 Eavesread is to surreptitiously read the text that another person is reading or writing. 窥读就是偷偷摸摸地读别人在读或者写的文字。 这个词是仿照eavesdrop(偷听)造出来的。Eavesdrop是用耳朵,而eavesread用的是眼睛。 For example: Eleanor and Parks epi...

  • compulsive highlighter 高亮强迫症

    20-09-26 Compulsive highlighter refers to a person who, when reading text on a computer screen, cannot help but constantly select, deselect, and reselect the text. 高亮强迫症指的是一个人在阅读电脑屏幕上的文字时忍不住要选中自己正阅读的文字,让它呈高亮显示,然...

  • 专家:网络交流中使用句号会让年轻人恐慌

    20-09-08 Full stops intimidate young people when used in social media communication as they are interpreted as a sign of anger, according to linguistic experts. 语言专家表示,在社交媒体交流中使用句号会让年轻人感到恐慌,因为他们认为这表示愤怒。 Teenagers and...

  • 研究:发短信有助戒烟

    18-12-21 A study by Chinese researchers shows that texting could help smokers quit smoking. 中国研究人员的一项研究显示,发短信可以帮助烟民戒烟。 The study published in the journal PLOS Medicine on Tuesday showed that among smokers who received a 12-week-long...

  • maintenance texts 维护短信

    16-06-03 Maintenance texts are text messages sent to those people youd like to date someday or eventually to remind them that you exist and to stay in touch with them without really meeting them. Its a low effort way to maintain a connection without having t...

  • iceberg tweeting 冰山推文

    16-02-16 Iceberg tweeting refers to posting a note to Twitter where the visible text is only a small part of the overall message. 冰山推文是指在推特上发布一条推文,可以看到的文字只是整条信息的一小部分。 其实,这个所谓的冰山推文与我们日常使用的长微博功能非常...

  • 句号结尾的短信似乎缺乏真挚之情

    15-12-10 If you don't want to send the wrong message, watch how you punctuate your texts. Text messages that end with a period are perceived to be less sincere than messages that do not, according to newly published research from Binghamton University. A tea...

  • love at first text 一信钟情

    15-08-06 Let's say, one of your friends gives you a girl's number and you start texting her. You end up talking to her all day and you feel like you actually love her because of who you think you know. This is called love at first text , a play on love at fi...

  • text neck 短信脖

    15-05-13 As we tap away for extended periods of texting, browsing and tweeting, we could be putting ourselves at risk of getting text neck . 长时间发短信、浏览网页和发微博,我们可能患上短信脖。 A newly coined condition - text neck - reveals that slumping ove...