• 大本钟将接受维修“静音”四年

    17-08-20 Big Ben will fall silent next week for four years as major conservation works are carried out on the tower which houses the bell, UK Parliament announced Monday. 英国国会周一宣布,由于大本钟所在的伊丽莎白塔开始大规模维修翻新,大本钟从下周起会停响,...

  • Smog Free Tower 雾霾净化塔

    16-12-17 In a city where smog routinely blankets the streets, a Dutch artist has offered an eccentric solution: a 7-meter (23-foot) metal structure that takes in smog and expels cleaner air. 一位荷兰艺术家为时常遭遇雾霾锁城的城市(北京)提供了一个不同寻常的...

  • I Want To Suck Your Blood

    15-12-10 Dracula decides to carry some sort of a competition to see which is the finest bat to stand on his side. The rules were simple. The bat who drinks the most blood would be the winter. He selects his three top bats to compete. So the first bat goes an...

  • Childe Rowland

    14-03-10 Long ago there was a little princess named Ellen. She lived with her mother, the queen in a great castle by the sea. She had three brothers. One day, as they were playing ball, one of her brothers threw the ball over the castle. Ellen ran to get it,...

  • The Tower of Babel

    14-02-24 We are told that in the beginning of the world all the people lived in one place. By and by, that part of the earth became very crowded, and many families began to move from place to place, looking for new homes. All the people moved into a country...

  • 意大利货船撞上控制塔 四人死亡

    13-05-08 At least four people have died and several more are missing after a container ship crashed into a control tower in the Italian port of Genoa. 意大利热那亚港一艘集装箱运货船撞上一座控制塔,至少四人死亡、多人失踪。 A search and rescue operation was un...

  • 东京天空树向公众开放

    12-05-22 Tokyo Skytree, the world's tallest broadcasting tower at 634m, has opened to the public. 东京天空树世界上最高的广播塔(塔高634米)已向公众开放。 The tower, which took three-and-a-half years to build, stands about twice the height of Tokyo Tower, the...

  • 埃菲尔铁塔将被装以60万株植物

    11-12-03 大名鼎鼎的埃菲尔铁塔明年可能变身为世界上最大的绿树:用60万株植物装饰这座巴黎乃至法国最富盛名的地标性建筑。 A French company wants to turn the Eiffel Tower into a heaving, breathing, botanical(植物学的) giant by draping its mass of metal struts(框...

  • 阿联酋“首都之门”成为世界“最歪楼”

    10-06-12 阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比市的一座在建高楼近日被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为全球倾斜度最大的人工建筑。据介绍,这座集酒店和办公场所为一体的综合建筑名为首都之门,高160米,共35层,其整体结构从12层开始朝西倾斜角度达18度,是意大利比萨斜塔倾斜度的4倍多。 An off...

  • 迎接2012年奥运会 伦敦将建造新地标建筑

    10-04-04 为迎接2012年伦敦奥运会,英国将斥资1910万英镑建造一座115米高的深红色塔形建筑,这座塔比纽约的自由女神像还要高出22米,将成为伦敦的新地标。这座高塔是由特纳奖得主阿卡普尔设计的,塔的主体将为钢结构,建筑造型蜿蜒曲折,从远处看像是一个损毁了的过山车。 Briti...