• 取消死囚器官移植来源不会造成器官捐赠短缺

    15-03-12 China's ban on the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners for transplant will not cause the shortage of donated organs, an expert said on Wednesday. 本周三,在北京举行的全国政协记者招待会上,全国政协常委、中国器官捐献与移植委员会主任黄洁夫表示...

  • “超级冷冻法”能使器官保持活力

    14-06-30 A new technique can preserve organs for days before transplanting them, US researchers claim. 美国研究人员宣称,一种新技术可使身体器官在移植前保存数日。 Scientists have tested the technique on rats' livers Supercooling combines chilling the organ an...

  • 丙肝病人肝移植手术将现新希望

    14-04-15 New research announced at the International Liver CongressTM 2014 today provides new hope for the notoriously difficult-to-treat population of liver transplant patients with recurring hepatitis C (HCV). As part of a compassionate use program, 104 po...

  • 哈佛科学家能根据移植需求培养细胞

    14-01-13 Harvard stem cells scientists at Brigham and Women's Hospital and MIT can now engineer cells that are more easily controlled following transplantation, potentially making cell therapies, hundreds of which are currently in clinical trials across the...

  • 意医生:人类可能实现头颅移植

    13-07-05 The first ever human head transplant is now possible, a neurosurgeon has claimed. 一位神经外科医生表示,人类可能首次实现头颅移植。 Dr Sergio Canavero believes that the technology now exists that will allow surgeons to carry out the Frankenstein-styl...

  • 美科学家培育出可移植的老鼠肾脏

    13-04-16 Bioengineered rat kidneys developed by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators successfully produced urine both in a laboratory apparatus(装置) and after being transplanted into living animals. In their report, receiving advance online...

  • 美国男子器官移植术后感染狂犬病死亡

    13-03-18 A man in the US state of Maryland has died of rabies, which he contracted from an infected kidney transplant more than a year ago, health officials say. 美国马里兰州一名男子死于狂犬病,该病感染于一年多前的一次肾移植手术。 The early March death has l...

  • 英国完成首例手移植手术

    13-01-07 A former pub landlord from West Yorkshire has become the first person in the UK to have a hand transplant. 西约克郡一位酒吧老板成为英国第一位接受手移植的人。 Mark Cahill, who is 51, had been unable to use his right hand after it was affected by gout...

  • 一种新药可降低骨髓移植手术的副作用

    12-12-10 A new class of drugs reduced the risk of patients contracting a serious and often deadly side effect of lifesaving bone marrow transplant treatments, according to a study from researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Th...

  • 世界首位器官移植外科医生去世

    12-11-27 Dr Joseph Murray, the surgeon who performed the world's first successful human organ transplant, has died. He was 93. 世界首位成功实行器官移植手术的外科医生约瑟夫默里离世,享年93岁。 Dr Joseph Murray was a religious man who viewed his work as a pray...