• 中国首位子宫移植母亲成功分娩

    19-01-24 A 26-year-old mother has successfully given birth following a uterus transplant. 一位26岁经历过子宫移植手术的母亲成功分娩。 According to the Peoples Daily, this is the first case in China, and only the 14th in the world, where a baby has been born t...

  • 全球首例儿童双手移植手术获成功

    17-07-22 The first child in the world to undergo a double hand transplant has been able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat. 全球首个接受双手移植的儿童已经实现了他挥动棒球球棒的梦想。 A Lancet study reveals that the global first has been classed a...

  • 2017中国将有1.5万例器官移植手术

    17-06-12 Anywhere between 15,000 and 16,000 organ transplants are expected to be completed in China this year, reports the China News Service. 中新社报道,2017年中国将进行大约15000到16000例器官移植手术。 31,000 individuals have registered themselves as organ...

  • 中国首例母女子宫移植手术获成功

    15-11-26 A Chinese woman successfully received a womb donated by her mother after Chinese doctors conducted their first uterus transplant, a hospital in northwest China's Shaanxi Province announced Wednesday. 中国陕西省某医院周三宣布 ,该院医生实施中国首例子...

  • 世界首例儿童双手移植手术在费城完成

    15-07-30 Surgeons at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) joined with colleagues from Penn Medicine recently to complete the world's first bilateral hand transplant on a child. Earlier this month, the surgical team successfully transplanted donor h...