• 痛苦的经历会使人更坚强

    11-12-18 Your parents were right: Hard experiences may indeed make you tough. Psychological scientists have found that, while going through many experiences like assault, hurricanes, and bereavement(丧亲) can be psychologically damaging, small amounts of t...

  • 创伤后精神障碍的诊断标准尚待完善

    10-12-17 Current diagnostic procedures for posttraumatic stress disorder ( PTSD创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍 ) fail to adequately reflect research into the broad nature of a traumatic(外伤的) event, according to a study that will appear in the January print iss...

  • 重伤病人应直接送往创伤中心

    10-11-03 Severely injured patients should be transported directly from the scene of an accident to a trauma center(外伤中心) , even if it means bypassing(绕道走) a closer hospital, according to new research that shows this results in a nearly 25 per cent...

  • 精神创伤会跨代遗传吗?

    10-09-09 In groups with high rates of posttraumatic(外伤后的) stress disorder (PTSD), such as the survivors of the Nazi Death Camps, the adjustment problems of their children, the so-called Second Generation, have received attention by researchers. Studies...

  • 研究:未保险的外伤病人比投保的更容易死亡

    10-06-14 Trauma(外伤,创伤) patients without insurance are more likely to die of their injuries from auto accidents and gunshot wounds than privately insured patients with similar injuries, according to findings of an analysis of 193,804 patients from 649...
