• 中国经济学家鞠建东有望获诺贝尔经济学奖

    16-12-20 Its reported that Chinese academic Ju Jiandong has been put forward for next years Nobel Prize in Economics for discovering whats been described as an ingenious solution to two paradoxes of international capital flows. 据报道,中国学者鞠建东因发现解...

  • politainer 政坛艺人

    16-12-11 Politainer is a politician who is or was an entertainer; or a politician who makes extensive use of entertainment media, particularly during a campaign. 政坛艺人指的是从事过演艺工作的政治人物,或者大量使用娱乐媒体的政治人物,特别是在竞选活动中。 Thi...

  • 艾玛·沃特森:消除校园暴力 保障女性安全

    16-10-07 Thank you all for being here for this important moment. These men from all over the world have decided to make gender equality a priority in their lives and in their universities. Thank you for making this commitment. I graduated from university fou...

  • 清华北大首次进入世界排名前100

    16-08-18 Tsinghua University and Peking University have for the first time broken through the top 100 global ranking of universities. 清华大学与北京大学首次进入全球高校排名前100位。 According to the 2016 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) released...

  • 伯明翰大学与南开大学正式合作

    16-06-17 The University of Birmingham and Nankai University have signed a formal agreement to work together on research and teaching. 伯明翰大学与南开大学就共同研究与教学签署一份正式合作协议。 The partnership strengthens existing collaboration between the tw...

  • 按学科排名的世界顶尖大学

    16-03-27 1. Accounting and Finance: Harvard, US 2. Agriculture and Forestry: Wageningen University, Netherlands 3. Anthropology: Harvard, US 4. Archaeology: University of Cambridge, UK 5. Architecture/Built Environment: Massachusetts Institute of Technology...

  • 皇后大学科学家发明多孔性液体

    15-11-18 Scientists at Queen's University Belfast have made a major breakthrough by making a porous liquid - with the potential for a massive range of new technologies including 'carbon capture'. Researchers in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineerin...

  • 美国大学禁止学生使用冒犯性语言

    15-09-05 Professors at a US university have told students that they risk failing their assignments and even their semester if they use offensive or hateful language in class or submissions. 美国一所大学的教授告知学生,如果有人在课堂上或提交的作业中使用了冒犯...

  • 英恶作剧年轻人申请上霍格沃茨魔法学院

    15-08-23 Getting into university is hard enough at the best of times - but when your chosen institution is a work of fiction you're really up against. 即便是在最好的时代,考入大学也是挺困难的事儿,要是你选的学校还是小说中虚构的学校,那就难上加难了。 And that...

  • Prepositions

    15-08-17 A high school senior was inspecting Harvard University, where he hoped to attend the following autumn. As he was walking across the Quad, he stopped a distinguished-looking man and asked, Sir, can you please tell me where your library is at? The man...