• 尼日利亚总统私改大学名称遭抗议

    12-05-31 Students in Nigeria's main city of Lagos have been involved in angry protests about the president's decision to change the name of their university. 尼日利亚主要城市拉各斯城的学生发起了对总统修改拉各斯大学名称这一决定的愤怒抗争。 Students say the na...

  • 剑桥女生参选“年度美臀”引争议

    12-05-27 Female students at the Cambridge University have submitted risque photographs of their behinds in the hope of clinching the title rear of the year. 剑桥大学一些女生最近向一个独立学生网站提交了她们的美臀艳照,以期夺得这一荣誉年度美臀。 One going by t...

  • 美国哥大52岁清洁工获文学学士学位

    12-05-18 美国哥伦比亚大学一名52岁的清洁工上周日与其他同学一起参加毕业典礼,正式获得该校古典文学学士学位。 Columbia University janitor Gac Filipaj, center, looks on during the Columbia University School of General Studies graduation ceremony, Sunday, May 13,...

  • One-Year Study in Australia 1

    12-04-11 After the graduation from the university in Xi'an in 2001, I had been an English tour guide for over two years in Guilin, which is enjoying the reputation of having the most beautiful mountains and rivers in the world. The job was actually quite goo...

  • 英国3/4大学被迫缩减招生规模

    12-03-31 Growing numbers of bright students face missing out on their first choice university, academics warned today, as figures showed three-quarters of institutions are being forced to slash places. 学者们今天警告说,越来越多的优秀学生将无法进入第一志愿的...

  • 匈牙利总统帕尔·施密特被收回博士学位

    12-03-30 A university in Hungary has stripped President Pal Schmitt of his doctorate after it found that large parts of his thesis were plagiarised. 匈牙利一所大学发现总统帕尔施密特的论文中有大面积的抄袭痕迹,遂取消了他的博士学位。 Budapest's Semmelweis Univ...

  • 英国公布最新全球大学名气榜

    12-03-26 Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are top of a global league table of university reputation - in a top 100 dominated by US institutions. 英国泰晤士高等教育特刊近日公布最新全球大学名气榜,哈佛大学与麻省理工学院高踞前两名,美国大学...

  • 美国校园自动出售避孕药引争议

    12-02-11 美国宾州史宾斯堡大学因为在校园健康中心内的自动贩卖机摆放事后避孕药而引发各界争议。 Shippensburg University is coming under fire today after local television affiliate(使附属,参加) WTAE reported that the university has begun selling the Plan B eme...

  • 南非某大学发生人群踩踏事故 一人死亡

    12-01-11 One person has died after a stampede broke out among crowds of people trying to enrol at a university in the South African city of Johannesburg. 南非城市约翰尼斯堡某大学发生人群踩踏事故,一人死亡。 There was a person that was deceased(死亡) , Univ...

  • 苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学欢度年度“葡萄干星期一”

    11-12-03 圣安德鲁斯大学迎来一年一度的葡萄干星期一。这个节日源于该校过去的一个传统:一年级的新生在11月要向学长们献上葡萄干,感谢他们的帮助。如今,葡萄干已被美酒和泡沫大战代替。 Having foam: Students from St Andrews University participate in the traditional Ra...