• 亚太高等学府排名 大陆52所大学上榜

    17-07-06 Times Higher Education (THE) published its first Asia Pacific Ranking of prestigious schools on Tuesday, with 52 Chinese mainland universities making the ranking, Peking University being the highest at second place. 泰晤士高等教育周二发布首份亚太地...

  • 中国将进一步宣传大众创业与创新精神

    17-06-22 China will further boost mass entrepreneurship and innovation by building 92 more demonstration bases, the State Council, Chinas cabinet, announced Wednesday. 中国国务院周三表示,中国将建造92座示范基地,进一步宣传大众创业与创新精神。 The government...

  • 哈佛大学2017毕业典礼校长福斯特的演讲

    17-06-12 Good afternoon. My remarks at this moment in our Commencement rituals are officially titled a Report to the Alumni. The first time I delivered them, in 2008, I was the only obstacle between all of you and J.K. Rowling. I looked out on a sea of eager...

  • 英国大学世界排名下滑

    17-06-12 British universities are slipping down the world rankings, with experts blaming the decline on pressure to admit more disadvantaged students. 英国大学的世界排行下滑,专家将其归咎于招收更多穷学生的压力。 Cambridge University, which for many years was...

  • 帝国大厦为浙大亮蓝灯

    17-05-22 New Yorks iconic Empire State Building turns blue on May 20 to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Chinas Zhejiang University. 纽约标志性建筑帝国大厦在5月20日亮蓝灯以庆祝中国浙江大学建校120周年。 Blue is the Chinese universitys traditional color. Its...

  • 上海交大与希伯来大学签署交换生协议

    17-05-19 Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Israels Hebrew University of Jerusalem have signed a student exchange agreement focused on agricultural studies. 上海交通大学与以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学签署一份关于农业研究的交换生协议。 Jiao Tong Universitys deputy...

  • 中国多所大学遭勒索软件攻击

    17-05-13 Dozens of universities across China have become victims of a massive global ransomware outbreak that have struck nearly 100 countries. 中国各地有几十所大学成为勒索软件的受害者,全球已有近100个国家遭受该软件影响。 The massive cyber-attack use tools t...

  • 中国著名数学家吴文俊离世

    17-05-08 Wu Wenjun, distinguished mathematician, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and winner of Chinas Supreme Scientific and Technological Award winner, died at the age of 98 on Sunday in Beijing, according to the CAS. 中国科学院表示,著名数...

  • 北京大学在牛津建分校

    17-04-10 Peking University is set to start staff recruitment and student enrollment for its British campus in the city of Oxford in June. 北京大学将于今年6月在牛津建造英国分校,员工招聘与招生工作即将开始。 The elite university in Beijing signed with the Open...

  • 清华新校规:不会游泳就无法毕业

    17-04-05 Students aiming to enter Tsinghua University this year had better be able to swim or be prepared to learn swimming and pass a swim test since the prestigious university will not grant bachelors degrees if they cannot swim. 今年打算考取清华大学的学生...