• 《吸血鬼日记》将出第二部衍生剧

    17-03-16 The Vampire Diaries has come to an end - The CW hit just aired the final episode of its eight-season run - but that doesnt mean the story is over. 《吸血鬼日记》前不久迎来了最终章,CW电视台播出了该剧第八季大结局,但是,这并不意味着故事的结束。 Co-cr...

  • 我们对于深海动物知之甚少

    15-04-22 Among soft-bodied cephalopods, vampire squid live life at a slower pace. At ocean depths from 500 to 3,000 meters, they don't swim so much as float, and they get by with little oxygen while consuming a low-calorie diet of zooplankton and detritus. N...

  • 趣闻:尼古拉斯·凯奇是“吸血鬼”

    11-09-24 近日,某购物网站上一名来自西雅图的用户标价100万美元公开出售一幅美国南北战争时期的照片,称照片中的人物就是好莱坞明星尼古拉斯凯奇,说他其实是个吸血鬼。 Nic Cage as a vampire? That's what an antique collector is claiming with a Civil War-era photo. Nic...

  • 《福布斯》发布虚拟人物富豪榜

    11-04-09 A miserly duck, a vampire and pair of precocious kids are among the richest fictional characters, according to a ranking by Forbes. 《福布斯》最新发布虚拟人物富豪榜。贪婪的老鸭、吸血鬼以及早熟的孩子等虚拟人物纷纷上榜。 Scrooge McDuck, the penny-pinc...

  • 比尔·康登将执导《暮光之城·破晓》

    10-04-30 Bill Condon will direct Breaking Dawn - the fourth instalment in the Twilight series of vampire movies. 比尔康登将执导吸血鬼系列电影《暮光之城》第四集《破晓》。 Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will return for the fourth film Summit Entertainmen...

  • 《暮光之城》男演员:自己在剧中像个异装癖

    10-03-27 Robert Pattinson, the British actor who plays a vampire with superhuman strength and speed in the Twilight series of films, has admitted he looks like a transvestite in the role. 在《暮光之城》系列电影中饰演具有超人力量和速度的吸血鬼的英国男演员罗伯...

  • 《曙光之城:新月》打入美国假日票房首位

    09-12-01 Teen vampire sequel The Twilight Saga: New Moon drew in the crowds over a record-breaking holiday weekend to keep its grip on top of the US box office. 少年吸血鬼续集《曙光之城:新月》在感恩节周末以破纪录的观众守住美国票房排行榜首位。 New Moon stars...

  • 《暮光之城2》首映破纪录 周末狂揽2.5亿美元

    09-11-28 The vampire romance The Twilight Saga: New Moon sucked up $140.7 million in its first three days and pulled in a total of $258.8 million worldwide, according to studio estimates Sunday. 据发行公司上周日的票房统计,吸血鬼爱情题材电影《暮光之城:新月...

  • 吸血鬼电影《曙光之城》打破北美票房记录

    09-11-22 The new Twilight vampire movie took a record $26.3m (15.9m) in midnight showings at North American box offices, studio Summit Entertainment has said. 顶峰娱乐工作室称,午夜期间放映的吸血鬼电影《曙光之城》在北美创下了2630万美元的票房。 The Twilight S...

  • 夜猫子的“吸血鬼时间” Vampire time

    09-08-30 身边有很多人都喜欢在夜间活动,去KTV或酒吧刷夜;还有人说在夜深人静的时候工作效率奇高。夜猫子们的快乐估计只能他们自己体会了。反正在他们活跃的vampire time,小编我是肯定在做梦的。Vampire time?对,就是吸血鬼出没的那段时间。 Vampire time means a schedule...