• Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 48

    15-06-15 He seizes my arms, binds them to my side, then he slips a black silken noose about my neck; he holds both ends of the cord and, by tightening, he can strangle and dispatch me to the other world ei quickly or slowly, depending upon his pleasure. This...

  • 世界最大集装箱船开始处女航

    14-12-08 CSCL (China Shipping Container Lines Co.Ltd) Globe, the world's largest container vessel, started its maiden voyage to Europe on Monday in Shanghai. 中国海运集团环球号轮船,世界上最大的集装箱船,周一在上海开始了其目的地为欧洲的处女航。 The CSCL Glob...

  • 艾伯特湖发生船只倾翻事故 251人丧生

    14-03-28 More than 250 people died in last Saturday's boat capsize on Lake Albert between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, a minister has said. 上周六一艘轮船在刚果民主与乌干达之间的艾伯特湖倾翻,250多人死亡。 Ugandan police divers helped in the...

  • 新西兰:日本捕鲸船的行为“极大的无礼”

    14-02-10 New Zealand has described the entry of a Japanese whaling fleet vessel into its Exclusive Economic Zone as deeply disrespectful. 一艘日本捕鲸船进入新西兰专属经济区,新西兰政府表示日本这一行为是极大的无礼。 Japan tries to catch 1,000 whales a year fo...

  • 蚌类粘性物对血管胶的研究有所启示

    12-12-12 A University of British Columbia researcher has helped create a gel -- based on the mussel's knack(诀窍,本领) for clinging to rocks, piers(支墩) and boat hulls -- that can be painted onto the walls of blood vessels and stay put, forming a prote...

  • 以色列海岸发现古代港口

    12-11-29 Arrchaeologists from the University of Rhode Island, the Israel Antiquities Authority, and the University of Louisville have discovered the remains of a fleet of early-19th century ships and ancient harbor structures from the Hellenistic(希腊风格的...

  • 人体主动脉存在铁电性

    12-01-31 The heart's inner workings are mysterious, perhaps even more so with a new finding. Engineers at the University of Washington have discovered an electrical property in arteries not seen before in mammalian tissues. The researchers found that the wal...

  • 现实版诺亚方舟有望2012年驶往伦敦

    11-06-04 诺亚方舟的故事大概很多人都听过,如今,现实版的诺亚方舟正在修建中,并有望在2012年驶往伦敦。 The vessel is 450ft long and 75ft wide and will be stuffed with pairs of model animals, while an aviary with free-flying live birds will take up most of the e...

  • 韩国军舰沉没“可能”是由水雷引起

    10-04-03 South Korea's defence minister has renewed speculation a torpedo could have caused the blast that sank a warship off its coast last week. 韩国国防部长称,上周发生的沉船事故可能是水雷导致船体爆炸引起的。 Divers are continuing to search the wreckage o...

  • 科学家发现胎儿血管不能愈合的线索

    09-12-07 Scientists have made a breakthrough in understanding why a foetal blood vessel can fail to close shortly after birth, causing serious health problems. 科学家在理解为什么胎儿在出生后不久血管不能愈合这个问题上取得重大突破,该问题会导致严重的健康问题。...