• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-1》第6章

    22-12-22 On the shore of the Crimson Sea stood the castle of Iracebeth, the Red Queen. From the top of its tall, twisting spires flew her flag, a heart in flames fluttering as if it were truly on fire. The craggy walls were too steep to scale, and vultures w...

  • 近几年美国的枪支暴力事件愈演愈烈

    22-06-01 美国的枪支暴力事件这几年愈演愈烈,已经严重危害到了民众的生命财产安全。据外媒报道,光是在美国的圣克拉拉县,枪击事件每年造成的经济损失就高达7200万美元。 Firearm incidents cost Santa Clara, a US county in Northern California, 72 million US dollars each...

  • 2021“团圆”行动累计找回历年失踪被拐儿童1万余名

    22-01-04 据公安部消息,2021年全国公安机关深入开展团圆行动,累计找回历年失踪被拐儿童1万余名。 Chinese police helped a total of 10,932 missing or abducted children return home in 2021 via a nationwide campaign of Tuanyuan,meaning reunion in Chinese, according...

  • sea-lion 海狮

    20-09-26 Sea-lion is a person who intrudes upon an online conversation in an attempt to engage opponents in debate, particularly by using a tone of feigned civility. 海狮是那种在网络聊天中突然闯入,用一种故作礼貌的语调来介入谈话,目的是让意见相左的人吵起来。...

  • 安徽启动洪灾应急预案

    18-08-23 Chinas disaster relief authorities have launched a level IV emergency response plan to help flood victims in Anhui Province, the Ministry of Emergency Management said Wednesday. 中国应急管理部周三表示,已启动四级应急预案来帮助安徽的洪水灾民。 About...