• 维生素D "阳光维生素"

    22-12-12 多年前,科学家就发现晒太阳可以补充维生素D。当人体皮肤表层的7-脱氢胆固醇遇到阳光里的紫外线后,就会生成这种维生素。人体内源性维生素D约80%在皮肤表皮合成,仅20%从食物中摄取,所以维生素D也被称为阳光维生素。 The connection between sunlight and bone health...

  • 普通人服用维生素不能降低患病风险

    22-06-24 美国预防医学工作组日前新发布的指南在回顾了84项研究后指出,普通人服用维生素既不能降低患心脏病和癌症的风险,也不能延长寿命,部分维生素在服用后甚至对身体有害。 Vitamin, mineral and multivitamin supplements arent likely to protect you from cancer, heart...

  • 英国面粉将加入叶酸以预防婴儿先天缺陷

    21-10-28 英国政府宣布,将把叶酸添加到英国面粉中,以帮助预防婴儿的先天性脊柱缺陷。 Women are already advised to take folic acid before and during pregnancy, but many dont. Its important because getting enough of this B vitamin cuts the risk of a baby being bo...

  • 牛奶浴能让皮肤变得更光滑更有弹性

    18-06-11 Legend says that Egyptian queen Cleopatra bathed daily in sour donkeys milk to improve the complexion of her skin and reduce wrinkles. 传说埃及艳后每日用酸驴奶沐浴,以改善肤色、减少皱纹。 Dr Altcheck doesnt recommend bathing in rotted milk, but says...

  • 研究:大多数维生素片没什么用

    18-06-04 Vitamin and mineral supplements are a staple in many peoples diets, but there is increasing evidence to suggest the most popular ones are essentially useless. 维生素和矿物质补充剂是许多人日常膳食中的固定组成部分,但越来越多的证据表明,最受欢迎的一些...

  • 维生素B族可减轻PM2.5造成的健康损伤

    17-03-20 Vitamin B could help mitigate the effects of the most dangerous type of air pollution, according to a new study published Monday. 上周一发布的一项新研究表明,B族维生素可减轻危害最大的空气污染物的影响。 In the first study of its kind, a team of inter...

  • 12个关于食物的无稽之谈 上

    16-08-08 1 MYTH: Eating celery burns more calories than you take in TRUTH: Bad news for dieters: celery does not contain negative calories, meaning you wont burn fat the more you eat. But, with just two calories per stalk and it being a good source of fibre,...

  • 关于视力的几个常见误解 上

    16-05-14 MYTH #1: IF YOU CROSS YOUR EYES, THEYLL STAY THAT WAY. Crossed eyes occur when your eyes dont look the same way at the same time. There are six muscles attached to each of our eyes that, guided by signals from the brain, control their movements. Whe...