• 维生素与矿物质能降低结肠癌发病率

    12-02-06 Could the use of vitamin and mineral supplements in a regular diet help to reduce the risk of colon cancer and protect against carcinogens(致癌物) ? A study published in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (CJPP) found that rats gi...

  • 维生素E的天然功能

    11-12-21 It's rubbed on the skin to reduce signs of aging and consumed by athletes to improve endurance but scientists now have the first evidence of one of vitamin E's normal body functions. The powerful antioxidant found in most foods helps repair tears in...

  • 过量服用维生素E加重患前列腺癌风险

    11-10-12 In a trial that included about 35,000 men, those who were randomized to receive daily supplementation with vitamin E had a significantly increased risk of prostate cancer, according to a study in the October 12 issue of JAMA. Lifetime risk of prosta...

  • 光照不足会导致非裔美国人缺乏维生素D

    11-09-21 African-American men living in low sunlight areas are more likely to experience vitamin D deficiency than European-American men living in the same environment. Researchers believe that these findings should change recommendations for daily intake of...

  • 儿童补充维生素A能增强体质

    11-08-28 Children in low and middle income countries should be given vitamin A supplements to prevent death and illness, concludes a study published online in the British Medical Journal. The researchers argue that the effectiveness of vitamin A supplementat...

  • 老年痴呆症研究取得进展

    11-07-10 Advances in research into Alzheimer's disease: transporter proteins at the blood CSF barrier and vitamin D may help prevent amyloid(淀粉体) build up in the brain Advancing age is a major risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and is associated with b...

  • 生活习惯、饮食对黄斑变性有显著影响

    11-07-06 Eating a diet high in vitamin D, as well as the nutrients betaine(甜菜碱) and methionine(蛋氨酸) , might help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, according to new research conducted by Tufts Medical Center scientists. Their study of identic...

  • 维生素D能提高精子移动速度

    11-05-26 Vitamin D is important for optimal(最佳的) reproductive function in both animals and humans. It has long been known that serum(血清,浆液) vitamin D level is important for reproductive function in various animals, but now researchers from the Un...

  • 维生素D可用于治疗慢性阻塞性肺病

    11-05-16 Vitamin D supplements may help patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary(肺的) disease (COPD) get more from their pulmonary rehabilitation(复原) programs, according to a study conducted by researchers from Belgium. The study results will be pr...

  • 维生素D含量关系到血管健康

    11-04-04 A lack of vitamin D, even in generally healthy people, is linked with stiffer arteries and an inability of blood vessels to relax, research from the Emory/Georgia Tech Predictive Health Institute has found. The results add to evidence that lack of v...