• watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过

    22-01-04 Watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过 例句 My sister loves sitting on her balcony. She sits there for hours watching the world go by. I didnt read my book in the cafe. I was just watching the world go by. 请注意 另一个包含 world 一词的短语是 to mean...

  • smart mouth 油嘴滑舌,说话不正经

    21-11-24 smart也可以表示贬义,意思是耍小聪明。所以,smart mouth的意思是油嘴滑舌,说话不正经。 例句: You watch your smart mouth before I have to slap you. 你再说话不正经,小心我扇你。...

  • mind/watch your language 注意措辞;小心点说话

    21-09-28 watch your language 不是看你的语言,而是你说话注意点。 如果你希望别人注意言辞别乱说话,但又不想把场面搞得太尴尬,可以说watch your language,意思就是小心说话,比直接说shut up让人闭嘴委婉。 watch your language里的language也可以换成mouth。 例句: You n...

  • as dead as dodo 过时

    21-08-10 如果说一个东西 as dead as dodo, 意思就是这个东西已经不再重要了,过时了。我们通常使用这个短语来谈论思想或潮流。 例句 In the past people used to watch and record videos on VHS, but now that format is as dead as a dodo. The perception that smoking is g...

  • Christmas comes but once a year 佳节良辰,机会难得

    21-07-19 Christmas comes but once a year是一个在圣诞期间人们常用到的表达,意思是一年才有一个圣诞节,机会难得。人们常用这个表达来劝说其他人做一些平时不会做的事情。比如,一个人平时对饮食很谨慎,在参加圣诞聚会的时候,其他人会劝他放松一些,敞开怀大吃大喝一番,因...

  • 与dog有关的俚语

    21-06-06 在英语中,dog watch是指:值夜班。 最初,dog watch在航海相关领域中指16:00到20:00之间的值班,通常被分作两段,第一段从16:00到18:00,第二段从18:00到20:00,后来渐渐发展到其他领域,用来表示值夜班。 比如: John often has dog watches. John经常上夜班。 the d...

  • 怎么区分see、look、watch

    21-06-02 动词 see、look 和 watch 都可以用来描述用眼睛 看 的动作,但它们所描述的 看 的方式和对象是不同的。动词 see 表示 看见;动词 look 可以指让他人 看过来;动词 watch 表示 正在观看。 用法总结 1 See 动词 see 的基本含义包括 眼睛看见,察觉。它是不规则动词,过去...

  • at the end和in the end

    21-05-19 搭配 at the end 和 in the end 之间只有一个介词的差别,但它们的含义和用法却不同。在这两个搭配当中,一个用来表示一段时间的末尾,另一个则强调 最终、最后 的决定或结果。 用法总结 1 At the end 指 一段时间的末尾。 Were going to go to the beach at the end o...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 9

    21-05-06 Mr. Rushworth was at the door to receive his fair lady; and the whole party were welcomed by him with due attention. In the drawing-room they were met with equal cordiality by the mother, and Miss Bertram had all the distinction with each that she c...

  • watch the clock 看时间等下班

    21-04-11 短语 watch the clock 的意思是 因感到无聊、想要或需要做其它事情而频繁地查看时钟或手表上的时间。你可以用名词 clock-watcher 指 总是掐着点下班或休息的人。 例句 I had to watch the clock because I needed to leave work on time. I had a train to catch. 我不...