• 英国一些家庭不得不平衡取暖和购买食物的开支

    22-12-26 据新华社12月22日报道,格拉斯哥卡利多尼安大学研究人员基思贝克博士表示,面对寒冷天气和物价上涨,英国各地一些家庭不得不平衡取暖和购买食物的开支。简单地说,他们被迫在取暖和吃饭之间取舍。 Facing the combined effects of sub-zero temperatures and increasin...

  • bear怎么用

    22-12-05 1 可数名词 bear 指 熊 这种动物。 There are bears in the woods. 2 作动词使用时,bear 的字面本意是 负荷,承重,也可以用来比喻 忍受,忍耐。 I cant bear this cold weather its too much for me! I cant bear this job its too hard! I cant bear to wait any lo...

  • 人类控制天气

    22-11-25 几个世纪以来,人类一直试图控制天气。比如,人们认为人工降雨可以带来好处。 The weather affects all of us. An unexpected downpour or hot spell can be annoying, but when conditions are more extreme, it can severely impact agriculture, transport infrastr...

  • 天气开场白

    22-08-17 Beautiful day, isnt it? 今天天气真好啊,不是吗? How about this weather? 今天天气怎样? Can you believe all of this rain weve been having? 你能相信这几天一直在下雨吗? It looks like its going to rain cats and dogs. 看起来要下暴雨了。 Wouldnt you lov...

  • 与夏天有关的习语 下

    22-07-25 6. Make a Splash 这个习语的意思是to get a lot of public attention,得到公众关注。 If you want your book to be successful, youve got to make a splash by having a book launch and throwing lots of parties. 如果你想要你的书获得成功的话,你必须开推书会和...

  • 各种雨的表达-句子类

    22-06-21 1.The heavens opened! 突然下起了大雨! 表达天堂打开了指突然间下起了大雨。 I was just about to put my washing on the line when the heavens opened! 我正准备把洗好的衣服晾起来呢,外面就突然下起了大雨! 2.Its chunking it down. 雨哗哗地下。 单词chunk有...

  • “自相矛盾”的英语单词 2

    22-05-26 11. weather经受住受侵蚀 The company weathered the recession. 这家公司挺过了经济衰退。 The rock was weathered. 岩石风化了。 12. screen放映;播出遮掩;遮蔽 The programme was not screened on British television. 这个节目没有在英国电视上播出过。 She rais...

  • in the light of this 鉴于此

    22-05-07 in the light of this 鉴于此 In the light of this, she wondered whether you might consider staying on in a new role. 鉴于此,她想知道你能否重新考虑以一个新职务留下来。 Notes:in the light of 表示根据某种情况,鉴于此,同义的还有一个单词given .例如: I...

  • 英国人形容饿、生气、疲惫会用哪些形容词 下

    22-04-01 6. knackered knackered表示筋疲力尽的,也就是very tired。 Im too knackered to go out this evening. 我太累了,今晚不出去了。 7. hammered hammered对应到中文成语,就是烂醉如泥的意思。 【敲黑板】 在英语里,形容喝醉可以用到以下词语哦。 ①tanked= tanked up...

  • good weather for the crops 风调雨顺

    22-03-23 风调雨顺,汉语成语,字面意思是seasonable weather with gentle breeze and timely rain,形容风雨适合农作物生长(good weather for the crops),亦可喻指天下安宁,常与国泰民安一起出现。 例句: 风调雨顺,国泰民安。 The wind and rain come in their time. The...