• April weather 喜怒无常

    21-04-09 1 April weather - 字面意思:四月份的天气 真实意思:喜怒无常 四月份的天气阴晴不定,就像人一样喜怒无常。 例句: I cannot bear my wife, because she is always like April weather. 我不能忍受我的老婆了,因为她总是喜怒无常。 2 Maybees dont fly in June - Ma...

  • 未来的天气

    21-02-23 很多人都喜欢温暖晴朗的天气,但科学研究表明,未来的夏天可能会变得太热而让人无法忍受。如果全球温室气体排放量继续上升,气候将会改变。在一些地方,炎热的夏天和温暖的冬天可能会让堆雪人和滑雪橇成为过去。 As winter takes its icy grip, and we head outside in...

  • 目前的气候变暖是过去2000年未有的

    20-12-17 研究人员称,目前全球气候变暖的速度和程度超过了过去 2000 年中的任何类似事件。这表明,像 小冰河期 这样著名的历史事件与上个世纪所见的全球变暖的规模无法相提并论。 From the Roman Warm Period to the Little Ice Age that began in the 14th Century, the past...

  • 连接词的用法1

    20-12-06 1. South Africa has vast amounts of natural countryside. _______, it is the home of a large number of wild animals. a) Consequently b) However c) Subsequently d) Besides 2. The police arrested the suspects. _______, the judge found them guilty. a) S...

  • 天气冷

    20-10-17 1. Its nippy. 好冷啊! 形容词nippy的意思是天气或空气是寒冷的。动词nip有捏、掐的意思,在这里用来比喻寒风刺骨般的感觉。 2. Its chilly. 真是冷飕飕的。 形容词chilly除了有天气或房间寒冷的意思以外,还可以表示人感觉冷。 3. Its bitterly cold. 真是冷得要命。...

  • 我身体有点不舒服

    20-10-15 1. I dont feel so well.我感觉有点不舒服。 形容词well表示身体健康的。在这句话中,dont feel well指感觉不太舒服。如果想用形容词well来告诉他人:你气色不太好。,就可以说:You dont look well. 2. Im feeling under the weather.我觉得有点不舒服。 表达under th...

  • 气候变化对体育运动的影响

    20-09-19 For sports fans, theres nothing better than watching a live event on TV or at a sports venue. But theres nothing worse than that event being called off because of bad weather. Bad light, a waterlogged pitch or excessive heat can cause matches to be...

  • 过去30年南极变暖速度是其他地方的3倍

    20-09-05 The South Pole has warmed three times faster than the rest of the planet in the last 30 years due to warmer tropical ocean temperatures, new research showed. 新研究表明,由于热带海洋温度升高,南极在过去30年内的变暖速度是地球其他地方的3倍。 Antarctic...

  • 2018夏季平均气温自1961年来最高

    18-08-28 The national average temperature in China this summer reached 22 degrees Celsius, the highest since 1961, with 55 weather monitoring stations posting record high daily temperatures, a meteorological official said on Monday. 一位气象官员周一表示,今...

  • 台风摩羯在浙江温岭登陆

    18-08-13 Typhoon Yagi, the 14th this year, made landfall at around 11:35 p.m. Sunday in Wenling County, east Chinas Zhejiang Province, bringing gales of up to force 10, according to the provincial flood control headquarters. 2018第14号台风摩羯周日夜间11时35...