• white elephant 华而不实的东西

    13-12-23 Feifei: Hi. I'm Feifei and joining us here in the zoo to present Authentic Real English is Finn. Finn: Hello. Feifei: What's the matter, Finn? 怎么不高兴呢?动物园这么多动物,多好看呀! Finn: Yes, I love animals too. But I don't know what I'm going...

  • white food 白色食物

    13-12-13 White foods refer to processed foods such as white sugar and all-purpose flour, or starchy foods such as potatoes, rice, and pasta. 白色食物指的是白糖、通用面粉等加工食品,或土豆、米饭、通心粉等淀粉类食物。 People who want to lose weight should stay...

  • The Jackdaw and The Pigeons

    13-10-30 A jackdaw(寒鸦,穴鸟) , watching some pigeons in a farmyard, was filled with envy when he saw how well they were fed, and determined to disguise himself as one of them, in order to secure a share of the good things they enjoyed. So he painted hims...

  • 温网比赛着装规范严苛 选手必须穿白色服装

    13-06-30 在今年温网第二轮被乌克兰球员淘汰出局的费德勒因穿了一双橙色鞋底的鞋子而在赛前被主办方要求换鞋,因为温网比赛的着装规范要求参赛球员的主体比赛服装必须为白色。温布尔登网球公开赛是世界上历史最悠久的网球赛事,有着最严苛的比赛着装规范。自上世纪60年代起,温...

  • 白虎体色发白原因被发现

    13-05-27 White tigers today are only seen in zoos, but they belong in nature, say researchers reporting new evidence about what makes those tigers white. Their spectacular white coats are produced by a single change in a known pigment gene, according to the...

  • 指甲上的白斑

    12-05-23 Some cultures see the white spots as a good luck sign, and even call them fortune or gift spots. There's also the old idea that someone with a white spot on a fingernail is in love, or that the number of white spots equals the number of sweethearts...

  • 科学家首次发现白色成年逆戟鲸

    12-04-23 Scientists have made what they believe to be the first sighting of an adult white orca, or killer whale. 科学家首次发现一只成年白色逆戟鲸,又称杀人鲸。 Iceberg is believed to be the first mature white orca observed The adult male, which they have ni...

  • 英黑人夫妇喜填白肤金发新丁

    11-05-21 英国一对黑人夫妇家庭近期喜添新丁,不过令所有人诧异的是,他们家的新生儿不是黑人,而是个白肤金发的孩子。 Black and white family: Francis and Arlette with Seth and Daniel. A black couple yesterday told of their shock and mystification when their son wa...

  • 《青花瓷》英译参考

    11-02-17 青花瓷 The blue and white porcelain 素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡 Unglazed, yet from shade to light, unfolds the blue and white. 瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆 From the peony on the vas emerges your image in maiden dress. 冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然 Closed as th...

  • The White Christmas 白色的圣诞节

    10-05-07 I'M DREAMING OF THE WHITE CHRISTMAS I'm dreaming of the white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know. The tree tops glisten and children Listen to hear sleigh-bells in the snow. I'm dreaming of the white Christmas With every Christmas card I wr...