• The Lazy Spinner

    13-07-30 In a certain village there once lived a man and his wife, and the wife was so idle that she would never work at anything; whatever her husband gave her to spin, she did not get done, and what she did spin she did not wind, but let it all remain enta...

  • Feds Threaten WWII Vet

    13-07-11 They're going to kick me out of my own home, said Karl Berger, 86 years old. Karl is a widower with no living children. When Karl's wife died a couple of years ago, he told the Social Security Administration to stop sending monthly checks to his wif...

  • Give him another chance 再给他一次机会

    13-07-09 Husband: I am going to discharge our chauffeur. Four times recently he almost killed me. Wife: Darling, give him another chance. 丈夫:我要解雇我们的司机,最近有四次他差点害死我了。 妻子:亲爱的,再给他一次机会。...

  • budget husband 经济适用男

    13-07-08 Budget wife is the female counterpart of budget husband , a concept introduced at least four years ago. The 2009 publication of the book Me and My Budget Husband popularized the term, and its 2012 transformation into a TV drama series fueled the ter...

  • Sharing Joy and Sorrow

    13-06-08 There was once a tailor, who was a quarrelsome(喜欢吵架的) fellow, and his wife, who was good, industrious(勤勉的) , and pious(虔诚的) , never could please him. Whatever she did, he was not satisfied, but grumbled and scolded, and knocked her...

  • 幸福的婚姻

    13-05-02 A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration. All of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations. All had a wonderful time. The bride was gorgeous(华丽的) in her...

  • 珍惜现在 不再错过

    13-05-02 John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither(奇特琴) and played it in the crowded subway station. The music emanating from(放射,出自) the zither was delicately streaming throughout the whole station. However, during the one-hour p...

  • The Hare and the Hedgehog

    13-04-25 One Sunday morning about harvest time, just as the buckwheat(荞麦) was in bloom, the sun was shining brightly in heaven, the east wind was blowing warmly over the stubble-fields, the larks(云雀) were singing in the air, the bees buzzing among th...

  • The Doctor Knows Better

    13-04-10 A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: I think that he is very ill. I am afraid that he is dead. said the doctor. Hearing this, the man moved his head and sa...

  • 男士不再青睐金发美女

    13-03-29 Gentlemen no longer prefer blondes - with most believing brunettes make better wives and girlfriends, research has revealed. 研究揭示,男士已不再青睐金发美女了,大部分男人认为深色头发的女人更适合当老婆和女朋友。 A study found that men see women with...