• throw caution to the wind 不顾风险

    21-05-17 表达 throw caution to the wind 的意思是 把谨慎抛之脑后,不顾一切地做某事,强调 承担风险,不计后果。 例句 Even though I am scared of heights, Im throwing caution to the wind and signing up for the charity parachute jump. 虽然我恐高,但我还是不顾一切...

  • be alarmed at mere rumours 闻风丧胆

    21-03-13 闻风丧胆,汉语成语,字面意思是听到一点风声,就把胆吓破了。形容对某种力量非常恐惧。可以翻译为become terror-stricken (panic-stricken) at the news,be alarmed at mere rumours。 例句: 解放军大军所到之处,敌人闻风丧胆。 The enemy trembled with fear wher...

  • rain or shine 风雨无阻

    21-01-09 风雨无阻,汉语成语,字面意思是不受刮风下雨的阻碍(stopped by neither wind nor rain -- regardless of the weather),比喻无论遇到任何阻碍,都要继续下去。与英文俚语rain or shine意思相同,表示no matter what the weather or other circumstances are like。...

  • shout可以用它来“买单”

    20-10-15 英语单词shout(喊叫)有着几种不同的用法,但你知道还可以用它来买单吗? 动词 Shout是一个动词,意思是大声喊叫、大喊大叫,经常表达一种情绪。 例句:She shouted for joy when she learned shed passed her exam.(当她得知她通过了考试,她高兴得叫起来。) If yo...

  • talk big 夸夸其谈

    20-09-17 夸夸其谈,汉语成语,指浮夸空泛地大发议论,形容说话浮夸,不切合实际。可以翻译为indulge in empty talk;talk big;talk excitedly and boastfully。英文俗语bag of wind或wind bag可以表示夸夸其谈的人。 例句: 有人告诫我不要把艾文斯的话太当真,因为他这个人就...

  • 强风袭击北京 4人死亡

    19-05-20 Strong winds have swept across the city of Beijing since Sunday, killing three men and a woman, local media reported. 自周日开始,北京遭受强风袭击,造成3位男子1位女子死亡。 A blue alert for wind was issued by Beijing Meteorological Service on Sunday...

  • 金风科技将在澳洲建风能测试实验室

    18-08-20 Chinas largest wind energy company Goldwind have partnered the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia to establish the countrys first ever laboratory to test renewable wind technology. 中国最大的风力发电公司金风科技与澳大利亚新南威尔士大...

  • 中国建造世界最快风洞

    18-03-22 China is building the worlds fastest wind tunnel, which is capable of testing aircraft traveling at up to 25 times the speed of sound. 中国正在建造世界上最快的风洞,该风洞能够测试最快25倍音速飞行的飞行器。 The new tunnel, with a length of 265 meters...

  • 金风科技8150万美元购买澳洲风力农场

    17-05-09 Chinese wind turbine generator maker Xinjiang Goldwind Science Technology Co Ltd announced its plan on Monday to purchase a wind farm project in Australia for A$110 million ($81.5 million), vying for a greater presence in the international market....

  • 小王子 Chapter 18

    17-04-26 The little prince crossed the desert and met with only one flower. It was a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all. Good morning, said the little prince. Good morning, said the flower. Where are the men? the little prince asked, pol...