• drug mule 毒骡

    10-12-22 《中国日报》报道: More Chinese women duped to be drug mules --Foreign drug traffickers are duping an increasing number of Chinese women, especially young victims, into carrying drugs into China, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) has said....

  • 瑞士银行发布员工着装规范

    10-12-18 Swiss banking giant UBS has issued a strict dresscode for employees, calling on them to wear skin-coloured lingerie and to ditch fancy and coloured artificial fingernails. 瑞士银行巨头瑞银集团近日发布了严格的雇员着装规范,要求女性穿肉色内衣,而且不...

  • 调情必杀技:赞美嘴唇

    10-12-18 Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?, asked Shakespeare. Now, women of the world have replied: No, just tell me I have beautiful lips. 我可以把你比作夏日吗?莎士比亚问道。现在,全世界的女人们回答:不用了,只要告诉我我的嘴唇很漂亮就可以了。 A new...

  • 2010年职场女性不利境况几乎没有改变

    10-12-18 Women saw little advancement in corporate boardrooms and compensation in 2010, extending a 5-year trend in which companies have lagged in promoting and mentoring of women to their own detriment, according to a new study released on Monday. 周一发布...

  • 欧洲人权法庭将裁决爱尔兰反流产法

    10-12-16 The European Court of Human Rights is due to rule on whether the Irish Republic's anti-abortion laws violate women's human rights. 欧洲人权法庭将要对爱尔兰共和国的反流产法案是否侵犯妇女的人权做出裁决。 The case was brought to the Strasbourg-based co...

  • 离婚对男女性的影响截然不同

    10-12-14 Apart from the death of a loved one, it is probably the most stressful experience life can throw at you. 抛开失去至爱的痛苦不谈,离婚可能是生活中压力最大的一件事。 But research suggests that divorce can be good for men at least in terms of making th...

  • 当代女性生育率有史最低

    10-12-14 Childlessness has reached record levels among a generation of women wrestling with the pressures of careers, mortgages and rocky relationships. 这一代女性不仅要与事业、房贷和不稳定的情感关系等多重压力做斗争,她们无子女的比例也达到了有史以来的最高水...

  • 英国1/3男性圣诞期间不会插手家务

    10-12-12 With the festive season approaching, it is the kind of news likely to leave flustered housewives shaking their heads in disbelief. 在圣诞节临近之际,这种新闻可能会让忙乱的家庭主妇们摇头表示难以置信。 A third of men, it is reckoned(测算,估计) , wo...

  • 维生素D水平不正常易导致老年妇女体衰

    10-12-09 A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology(内分泌学) Metabolism (JCEM) found that lower and higher vitamin D levels were associated with an increased likelihood of frailty(虚弱,弱点) in...

  • 漂亮的女人更容易生女孩

    10-12-05 Single girls have always grumbled that good-looking men are difficult to find. 单身女孩总是抱怨英俊的男人很难找。 But science may have just proved them right because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts,...