• 如何礼貌的询问别人工作情况

    22-02-08 Ways to ask 如何问 当你在社交场合遇到某人,你想知道他们做什么工作,最常见的问题是: What do you do? 这是一个简短的问句: What do you do for a living? 可以多次快速的朗读下面例句, What do you do? Im a teacher. What do you do for a living? I work in ph...

  • everyone and their mum 大多数人,很多人

    22-02-07 Everyone and their mum: 每个人和他们的妈妈 大多数人,很多人 这个短语,用夸张的手法来形容非常多的人,几乎每一个人 Everyone and their mum is going on a vacation, but I have to work. 大家都要休假了,可我还得工作。...

  • 太难了,太辛苦了 上

    22-02-07 1. strenuous 2014年的流行语蛮拼的就翻译成了pretty strenuous,有挺努力的意思,又有即使已经很努力了,却没有成功的反讽意味。 His doctor advised him not to do any strenuous exercise. 他的医生建议他不要做任何剧烈运动。 2. arduous arduous一词源自于拉丁语a...

  • 一些简单的方法让你轻松回到工作岗位

    22-02-07 Dont Try To Tackle Your Work all At Once 不要试图一下子完成所有工作 Sure, theres going to be a lot to do, but you wont be able to do it all in the first day back. Map out the one to two things you must get done each day and youll feel much better th...

  • Faff. 浪费时间。

    22-01-25 Faff. 浪费时间。 例句: I did not work on Friday, I kept faffing around. 我周五都在混日子,没有去工作。 We are late, stop faffing. 我们迟到了,不要再浪费时间了。...

  • work

    22-01-25 常用来表示工作的work,但它还经常表示运行、运转、奏效,请看: ①I dont know how the system works. 我不知道这个系统是如何运行的。 ②We tried a new method and it worked! 我们尝试了一个新方法,很奏效!...

  • goof off 无所事事

    22-01-22 五一假期快到了,你都制定了哪些假期计划?你会充实的度过假期,还是习惯了无所事事? 无所事事,汉语成语,意思是闲着什么事情都不干(have nothing to do),与英文习语goof off意思相近,表示to engage in aimless recreation or frivolous time-wasting; to fool a...

  • at a snail's pace 慢如蜗牛

    22-01-22 短语 at a snails pace(以蜗牛的速度) 的意思是 像蜗牛爬行一样,速度非常慢。 例句 The traffic is moving at a snails pace so were going to be late. 交通速度慢得像蜗牛一样,所以我们要迟到了。 Im so tired. Im only working at a snails pace today. 我太累...

  • 工作“闷坏了”怎么办?

    22-01-22 你有没有感到闷得发慌的时候?工作太辛苦会让人身心俱疲,但专家指出,长期感到无聊也会危害健康,让人产生倦怠感。 How bored are you? Having nothing to do, or doing the same task again and again, can certainly be demotivating. And if boredom persists, you...

  • work along two lines at the same time 双管齐下

    22-01-22 双管齐下,汉语成语,原指手握两支笔,同时作画(paint a picture with a brush in each hand at the same time),后比喻为达到某种目的,同时从两方面进行。可以翻译为work along two lines at the same time。 例句: 美国宇航局做了两手准备,两套策略双管齐下。 N...