• 2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式“同样震撼”

    22-01-22 日前奥林匹克转播服务公司首席执行官伊阿尼斯埃克萨科斯表示,2022北京冬季奥运会开幕式将与2008北京夏季奥运会开幕式截然不同,但是会同样震撼。 The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be very different from that of the 2008 Summer Gam...

  • 中美两国应对挑战的处理方式截然不同

    22-01-21 在这个动荡的时代,合作和善治是克服新冠大流行和气候变化等复杂的全球性新挑战的关键。面对这些挑战,中国和美国这两个世界上最大的经济体在履行其全球责任时采取截然不同的方式。中国与全球化研究中心高级研究员哈维佐丁表示,在应对各自面临的挑战时,中美两国的处...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 18 The Hunt

    22-01-21 They emerged one by one from the forest edge, ranging a dozen metersapart. The first male into the clearing fell back immediately, allowingthe other male to take the front, orienting himself around the tall,dark-haired man in a manner that clearly d...

  • dive into it 跳进去

    22-01-04 如果一个人 dive into 一件事情,那么意思就是很快很热情地投入到这件事情里去了。 例句 My new course starts next week. I cant wait to dive into the work! Be careful not to dive into a new relationship too quickly after the last one. Lets dive into this...

  • bow to pressure 迫于压力低头让步

    22-01-04 Bow to pressure 的意思是迫于压力而做出让步。 例句 Bowing to pressure, the restaurant changed the menu to include a vegetarian option. The senator accused Barack Obama of bowing to pressure from environmentalists. He resigned his position after bowin...

  • 如何应对“有毒”的工作环境

    21-12-29 Unhappy as you may be at your job, leaving is not always an option. So, if you find yourself having to put up with toxic work culture, there are a few things you can try to make your experience better. 尽管你可能干得不开心,但是你也无法说走就走。所...

  • 如何判断自己的工作环境是否“有毒”

    21-12-29 1. Theres an abject lack of communication 缺乏沟通 Improper communication means that people are often scattered or confused about expectations from leadership. Projects may seem complicated, stressful and difficult to execute either because there ar...

  • 越南造型师把头发做成花

    21-12-28 与其在头发上插上美丽的鲜花,不如把头发做成盛放的花朵形状。这位把头发做成花的造型师来自越南,他设计的花朵发型灵动逼真,美轮美奂,令无数网友惊叹不已。 Nguyen Phat Tri, a young hairstylist from Vietnam, has been getting a lot of attention for his eye-c...

  • horsing around 胡闹

    21-12-24 如果说某人在 horsing around, 意思就是这个人在胡闹、闲逛,无所事事。 例句 Stop horsing around and get on with your work! You cant trust Michael to do anything hes always horsing around. 请注意 To hold your horses 的意思的别着急,耐心点儿。 Hold your...

  • clowning around 胡闹

    21-12-20 当某人在胡闹或装小丑的时候你就可以用 clowning around 来形容。 例句 Stop clowning around and put your coat on. Were going to be late! I meant to do so much work today but ended up clowning around most of the day. He was a terrible student - always cl...