• knowledge is power 知识就是力量

    21-09-25 表达 knowledge is power 用来比喻 多掌握知识、接受更多教育,能够增加某人成功的概率,即所谓的 知识就是力量。 例句 Barbara wanted to work in marketing. Shes taking a course to help her get a new job. Knowledge is power! 芭芭拉想在市场营销行业工作。她正...

  • take a leaf out of someone's book 以某人为榜样

    21-09-25 如果你 take a leaf out of someones book(从某人的书中取出一页),意思就是你 效仿某人的成功案例,以某人为榜样。 例句 Take a leaf out of Robs book and start cycling to work. 以罗布为榜样,开始骑自行车上班吧。 He took a leaf out of his friends book and...

  • brimming with energy 生龙活虎”

    21-09-25 生龙活虎,汉语成语,意思是像很有生气的蛟龙和富有活力的猛虎(doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger)。比喻活泼矫...

  • responsive, receptive, swift

    21-09-17 先来看形容词 responsive。它的意思是 反应及时的,回应积极的。人们常用 be responsive to something 来说明对哪件具体的事情或动作作出的反应。来听三个例句。 Examples Ill still read my work emails during my leave, but Ill be a lot less responsive. (我休假...

  • stable和steady

    21-09-14 先来看 stable。第一,我们可以用 stable 来形容事物的结构是 稳固的,牢固的,不易崩塌的。请听例句。 Example The foundations of the house are stable. (这座房子的地基很稳固。) 在上面这句话中,我们用 stable 来形容房子的地基很 稳固,强调它不易坍塌。 第二...

  • 四个小技巧助你克服“周一忧郁症”

    21-09-14 列一张清单,写下你这周的期待 Instead of focusing on the mundane or difficult tasks that lay ahead of you, think about all the good to come. Make a list by writing out some things that you are currently looking forward to. A good place to start is to...

  • sky-high 极高

    21-09-10 英语复合词 sky-high 是形容词,表示达到了极高的程度。 例句 Train fares have gone sky-high. I spend half my pay just getting to work! The prime ministers popularity was sky-high after he cut taxes for everybody. Id like to buy a house in the city but...

  • sets tongues wagging 说闲话

    21-09-03 如果某人所做的事 sets tongues wagging, 意思就是让人说闲话。 例句 Mr Hellman wore the same t-shirt to work every day for a week. It really set tongues wagging: some thought he just didnt wash it, others thought it was because he hadnt been home all w...

  • a splash of colour 把本来枯燥或沉闷的事情作了美化或改善

    21-09-02 如果某人为某事加了 a splash of colour,意思就是把某个本来枯燥或沉闷的事情作了美化或改善。 例句 Janes red necklace was a splash of colour against her dull work suit. Our new green rug should add a splash of colour to our bedroom. 请注意 短语 with fly...

  • to get a handle on something 理解、掌握某事

    21-09-02 短语 to get a handle on something 的意思是理解、掌握某事。 例句 I used to be terrible at maths but after lots of hard work, I think Ive got a handle on it now. If I could just get a handle on this new project at work, Im sure the boss would give me...