• hard和hardly

    21-05-20 虽然 hard 和 hardly 从拼写上看只差两个字母,但它们的意思和用法却大相径庭。其中,hard 作形容词时的主要意思包括 坚硬的、困难的 和 辛苦的,作副词时可以表示 努力地;hardly 是副词,表示 几乎不。 用法总结 1 形容词 hard 最常见的含义有 坚硬的、困难的 和 辛...

  • go into overdrive 加倍努力,加紧工作

    21-05-16 表达 go into overdrive 的字面意思是 超速运转,实际意思是 在短时间内加倍努力或开展高强度的工作。 比如,在一个项目的最后阶段,剩下的时间不多了,需要加快速度才能完成工作,这时就可以用 go into overdrive 来表示 加倍努力工作。 例句 With the deadline nearl...

  • 20多岁后悔做的5件事

    21-05-15 1.Letting the party go on a little too long 吃喝玩乐的时间略长 Sure, your 20s is usually a life period where youre pretty free of responsibilities, and many of us use that time to enjoy life and go a little wild. But take this too far and you will r...

  • 办公场所的未来

    21-05-14 Remember this? This is what an office looks like. During the pandemic, millions of people swapped their large open-plan offices for their living rooms. Now, some companies say their employees need never come back in. 还记得这是什么吗?这是办公大楼。...

  • crisis averted 危机已解除

    21-05-12 表达 crisis averted 危机已被避开 看起来是正式说法,但它也常被用在口语会话中,来幽默地表示 已经成功避免迫在眉睫的危机。人们常在一阵慌乱和担忧后用这个说法来表示松了一口气。 例句 I thought Id left the house unlocked, but I called my neighbour and they...

  • 在床上办公的利与弊

    21-05-10 对我们中的许多人来说,自己的家已经成为新的办公地点。不论是餐桌还是沙发,都是摆放电脑的常见地方。不过,也有人选择在软绵绵的床上办公。 Our working lives are becoming more flexible. The coronavirus pandemic has made us rethink how and where we work. Fo...

  • work out 锻炼身体

    21-05-10 动词搭配 work out 的意思是 锻炼身体,也就是指通过体育锻炼来达到强健体魄、减重等目的。比如,to work out in the gym 就表示 在健身房锻炼。 例句 She liked to work out in the gym after work. 她喜欢下班后去健身房锻炼身体。 He wanted to lose weight so he s...

  • out of shape 身材走形

    21-05-09 虽然搭配 out of shape 直译成汉语是 变形,但当人们在谈论体型的时候,则用这个说法来形容人 因超重而身材走形,健康状况不好的。与这一搭配含义相反的表达是 in shape,意思是 身材健美、健康的。 例句 He hadnt been to the gym for a few months and was out of sh...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 14

    21-05-06 Miss Crawford accepted the part very readily; and soon after Miss Bertrams return from the Parsonage, Mr. Rushworth arrived, and another character was consequently cast. He had the offer of Count Cassel and Anhalt, and at first did not know which to...

  • pigs might fly 太阳打西边出来了

    21-04-29 会飞的猪只存在于童话世界里。在日常生活中,人们用表达 pigs might fly 猪可能会飞 这个现实中不存在的景象来比喻一件事 根本不可能发生,纯属无稽之谈。 Pigs might fly 或 when pigs fly 都可以用来讽刺一个人谈论的事情不可能发生,类似汉语里的 太阳从西边出来了...