• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 29

    22-07-18 Winter set in. Weeks went to Berlin to attend the lectures of Paulssen, and Hayward began to think of going South. The local theatre opened its doors. Philip and Hayward went to it two or three times a week with the praiseworthy intention of improvi...

  • ins and outs 来龙去脉

    21-07-05 短语ins and outs的字面意思是进进出出,里里外外,但它实际所表达的意思则是详情、细节,一件事情的来龙去脉,常用来形容一个人对什么事情了如指掌,一清二楚。 例句 Ive been doing this job for ten years, so I know the ins and outs of how this place works. 我...

  • 2021年一大批国漫将上线

    21-03-12 2020国漫江湖风起云涌,随着国漫产业的发展完善,国漫崛起不再是一句虚无的口号。在这一热潮之下,各种改编、原创剧集百花齐放,精彩纷呈。 Good news for fans of Chinese animations! The year 2021 will bring plenty of options. According to news website TMT, 1...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 2

    20-12-20 It is so good to be home again! I wonder how we ever made up our minds to go away! exclaimed Rose as she went roaming about the old house next morning, full of the satisfaction one feels at revisiting familiar nooks and corners and finding them unch...

  • 中国兵马俑在澳洲展出

    19-05-28 Eight life-size Terracotta Warriors from China are among the works shown in the National Gallery of Victoria, in a rare exhibition launched in Melbourne. 墨尔本维多利亚国家美术馆内,八座来自中国的真人大小的兵马俑正在展出。 The exhibition, Terracotta...

  • 中亚公布25本最具影响力译作

    18-12-28 Amazon China has recently released a list of 25 most influential translated works in the past 40 years, China Daily reported Friday. 亚马逊中国最近公布一份列表,近40年最具影响力的25本译作。 The books, selected by more than 16,000 netizens on an onli...

  • 百度与上海音乐学院签署合作协议

    18-06-27 Lovers of Chinese classical music will be able to enjoy a wide variety of works never available online before thanks to an agreement signed on Monday between Baidu music and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. 百度音乐与上海音乐学院周一签署一份协议...

  • 霍金著作在中国热销

    18-03-16 The Chinese public has paid tribute to late physicist Stephen Hawking in their own way. 中国民众用他们自己的方式纪念已故物理学家史蒂芬霍金。 A Chinese publisher Thursday said it has received orders for over 1 million copies of Stephen Hawkings works...