• 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 25

    22-09-14 When I got outside, it was just getting light out. It was pretty cold, too, but it felt good because I was sweating so much. I didnt know where the hell to go. I didnt want to go to another hotel and spend all Phoebes dough. So finally all I did was...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 2

    22-09-13 They each had their own room and all. They were both around seventy years old, or even more than that. They got a bang out of things, though--in a haif-assed way, of course. I know that sounds mean to say, but I dont mean it mean. I just mean that I...

  • 安慰别人

    22-08-16 1. Youll be fine. 你不会有事儿的。 2. What are you worrying for? 你有什么好担心的? 3. Theres no need to worry. 不必担心。 4. Theres nothing to worry about. 没什么好担心的! 5. Itll turn out all right. 一切都会好的。 6. It isnt as bad as all that....

  • 安慰他人 上

    22-07-27 1. Are you okay? Im here for you. 你还好吧?我会一直在的。 2. Dont worry, everything will be fine. 别担心,一切都会好的。 3. Time heals all wounds. 时间能治愈一切。 4. I can understand your feelings; I feel the same way. 我能体会你的感受;我感同身受...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-成绩

    22-06-22 Dont worry, Im sure youll do better next time. 别担心,我相信你下次会考得更好的。 You aced the test. (do well) 你考了高分。 You bombed the test, again. (fail) 你又考砸了。 Goose egg. (zero) 零蛋。 Ill definitely be seeing you next semester! 下学期咱...

  • in the thick of 在……最炽烈/紧张的时候

    22-05-07 in the thick of 在最炽烈/紧张的时候 Not to worry, youll be in the thick of it soon enough. 别急,很快就到你们了。 Notes:thick这个单词我们都很熟悉,作为形容词,表示厚的,浓的。例如: This book is thick. Can you finish it before the deadline? 这本书...

  • 车到山前必有路

    22-03-23 车到山前必有路,中文俗语,字面意思是The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there,比喻事先不用着急,到时候问题总可以解决(things will eventually sort themselves out; In the end things will mend)。 与船到桥头自然直同义,可互相替换,...

  • meet trouble half-way 杞人忧天

    22-01-22 杞人忧天,杞是古代地名(the name of an ancient state),忧的意思是担忧、焦虑(worry)。杞人忧天字面意思是杞国人担心天会塌下来(The man of Qi was afraid that the heavens were about to fall on him),比喻缺乏根据或不必要的担心和忧虑(unnecessary worry...