• 吸大麻会降低人的智商

    12-08-28 Young people who smoke cannabis run the risk of a significant and irreversible reduction in their IQ, research suggests. 研究显示,吸大麻的年轻人有极大的、不可逆转的降低智商的风险。 The findings come from a study of around 1,000 people in New Zealan...

  • As the Elegant Demeanor Was 风采依旧

    12-06-26 Chaucer was over seventy, but he was not convinced of his age. At a time he boasted: My physical strength is as strong as that I was young. The opposite person asked: What do you rely on? Chaucer said, There is a big stone roller in my compound. I c...

  • 青年人失业率增加

    12-05-22 Almost 13% of young people worldwide are out of work, and their situation is unlikely to improve for four years, a report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) says. 国际劳工组织称,全世界大约有13%的年轻人处于失业状态,并且这种境况在未来4年...

  • Feeling of Youth

    12-04-11 No young man believes he shall ever die. It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. There is a feeling of Eternity(来世,不朽) in youth, which makes us amend for everything. To be young is to be as one of the Immortal Gods. One half of time...

  • The Young King 6

    12-02-07 And the people laughed and said, 'It is the King's fool who is riding by,' and they mocked him. And he drew rein and said, 'Nay, but I am the King.' And he told them his three dreams. And a man came out of the crowd and spake bitterly to him, and sa...

  • The Twin Boys

    11-08-24 One day, there was a young Mum took her two sons come to visit our garden. The two sons sat in a large trolley(手推车) and by the marine fish tanks. The two boys were about 4 or 5 years old and looked like copies. I asked the young lady: They are...

  • 非洲国家年轻人艾滋病感染率正在下降

    10-07-14 The prevalence of HIV among young people in countries worst-affected by Aids, mainly in Africa, has fallen, new figures from the UN show. 一项联合国的新统计数据显示,受艾滋病影响最严重的非洲国家,感染艾滋病病毒的年轻人的数量已经下降。 In a report, U...

  • Give me a goose

    10-05-28 In a small pretty village in Nottingham shire(郡) there formerly lived a respectable Squire(乡绅,大地主) , who excelled(优于,超过) all his friends in amusements athletic, and whose manner of living was far from ascetic(苦行的,禁欲的) . A...

  • Departed Days 分别时刻

    10-05-17 In the year of our Lord, 1867, there came to work at No. 145 Broadway a thin, prematurely old and gray young man of not more than twenty-six years. No one seemed to know anything about him, and he soon dropped into our ranks and came and went day af...

  • The Pardoner’s Tale

    09-09-30 Some years ago, there was a group of young men who lived very badly. One Sunday they were sitting in a tavern instead of going to church. A man was killed by a thief called Death. The young men werent afraid and made a promise: if one of them was ki...