• 报告:年轻的求职者喜欢7个月内换掉首份工作

    18-08-10 Chinas young jobseekers born in and after 1995 are likely to quit their first job within seven months on average, said LinkedIn. 中国95后年轻的求职者有可能在参加第一份工作七个月之内离职。 The business-oriented social networking site analyzed the pub...

  • 2018夏日新书书单

    18-06-09 1. Florida by Lauren Groff From the author of Fates and Furies comes a piercing collection of short stories exploring the moments that make us feel alive, all anchored by the landscape, climate, history, and state of mind of Florida. 2. All We Ever...

  • 英国80%青少年体内有双酚A

    18-02-22 A plastics chemical linked to reduced fertility in men is in the majority of teenagers, research has found. 研究发现,大多数青少年体内都含有一种与男性生育能力下降有关的塑料化合物。 More than 80 percent of teenagers have traces of the chemical compou...

  • 中国有5000万年轻人独居

    17-05-05 Official reports estimate that up to 50 million young people are living alone in big cities in China. 官方报告估计,中国的大城市有多达5000万年轻人独自居...

  • administrative detention 行政拘留

    17-04-25 A new draft law that would change the minimum age for administrative detention from 16 to 14 has been met with both concerns of overcorrection and voices of support, albeit cautious. 一项拟将行政拘留执行年龄从16周岁将至14周岁的法律草案面临过度惩罚的...

  • snowflake generation 雪花一代

    17-03-31 Snowflake generation refers to the young adults of the 2010s, who are viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations. 雪花一代指最近几年的青年。与以往几代人相比,他们被认为是适应能力更弱并更易发怒的一代。 T...

  • thrisis 成年危机

    16-08-24 A thrisis usually occurs between the ages of 26 and 32, and is that final push into adulthood. It describes the feeling of anxiety that crept into our own lives as we left our 20s and hit the big 30, a period of time when were not young enough to be...

  • So is my mom 我母亲也是

    16-06-21 When the young waitress in the caf in Toms building started waving hello everyday. Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he. One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again. When Tom strolled over, she asked, Are you single? Why,...

  • The Three Fishermen <5>

    16-06-10 Brother was still at memory, we could tell. Silence we thought was heavy about us, but there was so much going on. A bird talked to us from a high limb. A fox called to her young. We were on the Pine River once again, nearly a hundred miles from hom...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 53

    16-05-05 The fortunes of those who have figured in this tale are nearly closed. The little that remains to their historian to relate, is told in few and simple words. Before three months had passed, Rose Fleming and Harry Maylie were married in the village c...