• Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 39

    21-03-18 This little explanation with Mr. Knightley gave Emma considerable pleasure. It was one of the agreeable recollections of the ball, which she walked about the lawn the next morning to enjoy.--She was extremely glad that they had come to so good an un...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 14

    21-03-17 Some change of countenance was necessary for each gentleman as they walked into Mrs. Westons drawing-room;--Mr. Elton must compose his joyous looks, and Mr. John Knightley disperse his ill-humour. Mr. Elton must smile less, and Mr. John Knightley mo...

  • 《你好,李焕英》经典台词

    21-02-20 ① 我未来的女儿,我就让她健康快乐就行了。 Speaking of my future daughter, I just want her to be healthy and happy. ② 路我已经给你铺好了,你就往上走就好了。 I have paved the way for you. Just walk on it. ③ 从我们记事起,妈妈就是一个中年妇女了,可谁...

  • 改变世界 从改变自己开始

    20-12-15 Theres a saying that really stuck with me from a random monk who lived 900 years ago: When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldnt change t...

  • 出走半生,归来仍是少年

    20-11-25 下面给大家剖析一下翻译方法: 1 出走半生 这是翻译的难点。按照字面意思好像去流浪了半辈子,但实际上指的是摸爬滚打了半辈子,或者磨练/打拼了多年。 这里无论是摸爬滚打,还是磨练、打拼,究其本质,就是奋斗,我们选一个大家都好理解的词:strive。所以,出走半生...

  • 英国年轻人不现实的职业理想

    20-10-24 What did you want to be when you were growing up? A doctor, an engineer - or maybe a footballer or actor? We all had big plans for our futures and believed there was a dream job waiting for us one that would pay well and give great job satisfaction....

  • 夸人年轻,不用young

    20-10-17 想夸上了年纪的人年轻,中国人喜欢说:你看起来真年轻啊! 但英语不能直译为:()You look (so) young. 因为:young 用来说成年人,表示:幼稚,没经验,不懂事。 比如 Youre too young too naive. 你简直就是年少无知。 所以,You look (so) young其实是说:你都这么...

  • younger generation 后浪

    20-10-15 今年的五四青年节,一篇关于后浪的演讲刷屏朋友圈,同时,后浪这个词也引起了大家的讨论。 这个词实际是源于古训《增广贤文》的长江后浪推前浪,意为年轻一代。 那么,在英语中,这个词应该如何描述呢? 如果是直译,这个词应翻译为rear waves。在这次的英语报道中,我...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 22

    20-09-16 Upon my word, I feel as if I lived in a powder-magazine, and dont know which barrel will explode next, and send me flying, said Mrs Jo to herself next day, as she trudged up to Parnassus to suggest to her sister that perhaps the most charming of the...

  • 40%的中国年轻企业家是女性

    18-08-13 About 40 percent of young Chinese entrepreneurs are female, according to a report released recently. 最近公布的一份报告显示,40%的中国年轻企业家是女性。 The report was based on a survey of 6,928 entrepreneurs aged 16 to 35 and was jointly published...